Project OwnerCourse building and program delivery. Edify Colabs is the coordinating entity for this Project - Making the Tea for an ecosystem of expert partners and their comprehensive community-centric approach.
Milestone Release 1 |
$2,800 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 2 |
$2,800 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 3 |
$2,600 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 4 |
$2,400 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 5 |
$2,560 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 6 |
$2,560 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 7 |
$2,560 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 8 |
$2,560 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 9 |
$2,560 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 10 |
$2,800 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 11 |
$1,800 USD | Pending | TBD |
The effects of Cascading Disruptive Technologies such as AI, Blockchain, Education Tech, Et Al, Means there is a pressing need Globally for exponential growth in the number of skilled dev’s who understand Disruptive Tech in the context of new business models, collaborative working and community: at the level of business, organisations and society
This project will provide a working MVP for a scalable, community driven, decentralised learning/teaching environment - based upon cultivating community values aligned with SNET's mission, fostering an ecosystem of collaborative AI and Web3 based builders primed for future growth - that can be expanded and leveraged over time.
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This milestone marks the successful establishment of the project's foundational elements. It encompasses the development of the project charter the finalization of project goals and objectives the securing of the budget the assembly of the project team and the setup of necessary infrastructure.
We will produce documents as deliverables for the setup of the project. The documents are listed below. Project charter Project Schedule and Roadmap Resource Allocation Team Roles and Responsibilities Kickoff Meeting Agenda and minutes.
$2,800 USD
Course structure Content Deliverables Deliverers and Dependencies.
Produce a developed course structure and content with those responsible for Delivery Roadmap Deliverables Dependencies and timescale
$2,800 USD
Scope out and agree Edtech community platform set up and management
Scope of work produced for developing Edtech community management with those responsible for Delivery Roadmap Deliverables and Timescales
$2,600 USD
Design and Run excersise for engagement of suitable Web3 developers for the programme.
Acceptable number of suitable Devs enaged on the programme
$2,400 USD
Deliver Module 1 of course including content creation Content Delivery Community Management and community delivery
Successful Delivery of the Module content successful management of the community platform and interaction with learners to complete any interactive task given and build of community engagement
$2,560 USD
Deliver Module 2 of course including content creation Content Delivery Community Management and community delivery
Successful Delivery of the Module content successful management of the community platform and interaction with learners to complete any interactive task given and build of community engagement
$2,560 USD
Deliver Module 3 of course including content creation Content Delivery Community Management and community delivery
Successful Delivery of the Module content successful management of the community platform and interaction with learners to complete any interactive task given and build of community engagement
$2,560 USD
Deliver Module 4 of course including content creation Content Delivery Community Management and community delivery
Successful Delivery of the Module content successful management of the community platform and interaction with learners to complete any interactive task given and build of community engagement
$2,560 USD
Deliver Module 5 of course including content creation Content Delivery Community Management and community delivery
Successful Delivery of the Module content successful management of the community platform and interaction with learners to complete any interactive task given and build of community engagement
$2,560 USD
Deliverable 1.1: Develop plan to Coordinate and oversee project activities to ensure alignment with user needs.1.2 Plan administrative tasks to support project execution.
1.1 Output: Effective management Plan outlining deliverables dependencies and timelines to for the project to meet user expectations. 1.2 including plan for Smooth administrative operations facilitating project progress.
$2,800 USD
1.3 Conduct ongoing data collection and analysis to continually adapt to user feedback. 1.4 produce project close out report for SNET
1.3 Continuous improvement of the project based on user data and feedback. 1.4 Completed close out report for SNET produced in appropriate format
$1,800 USD
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© 2025 Deep Funding
Jun 3, 2024 | 11:39 AMEdit Comment
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Great job. I would want to comment that while this is an awesome initiative, there could be challenges around ensuring scalability and sustainability of this decentralized learning and teaching environment over time. While the initial focus may be on training a cohort of New DisTech Developers, expanding and maintaining the platform to accommodate future growth and demand will require ongoing resources, both in terms of funding and community engagement.
Project Owner Jun 4, 2024 | 10:46 AMEdit Comment
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Thx Gombilla, thx and great point, and one we are planning for. If you look at our roadmap - the basic version of which is on the miro board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVKFpwDYo=/?share_link_id=820859741634 This is a big initiative - and we are really just stewarding it for now - nurturing it until it gets embedded and it can grow to the next level.Overall, this is a Developing Nation-level programme. We have been building it for getting on two years already. The vision is for it to be driven by orgs with Community Hubs, in any Nation, but interacting at a State wide level within countries. This is why we have been so blessed to have Wada and Remostart as a partner for this pathfinder programme as they have the capability to deliver contacts on the ground in many cities and countries across Africa - from Universities to Recruitment hubs. And why the next phase includes using the Andamio PBL platform to scale our Community Learning focus, and our DF3 AI programme to scale Teacher delivery. It is also why as well as fantastic orgs like SNET DF, we will be talking to other EdTech focussed orgs Globally. In particular we would love to be able to open source the decentralised structure to orgs in other countries/continents - e.g Asia and South America. Thx again for your interest. Cheers H :)
Jun 2, 2024 | 1:21 PMEdit Comment
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Hi Harry, could you provide links to all of the Catalyst Funding Rounds? I tried to find these but could not.Also, I've noticed that you're still needing to complete DF3 "AI-Enabled Full Value Audit And Dashboard For Sustainable Exponential Organisational Growth", do you believe this will impact your ability to deliver?
Project Owner Jun 2, 2024 | 10:53 PMEdit Comment
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hi Joey, thx for the questions:Link to projects completed, here you go: https://linktr.ee/edify_collabs This should be in the prop - but may not have made being loaded up, so thanks for bringing it to our attention. :)Regards our DF3 prop - It is not anticipated that there will be any impact on delivery. AI-enabled Audit is a sizable project, but is running over 9 months with 4 orgs involved- with Edify mainly adding content and co-ordinating.This DF4 prop is part of the same roadmap, and will also be a partnership between four organisations. However, most of the heavy lifting on community build and management will undertaken up by Wada, who have teams in several African countries - and Cities, and have themselves run over 30 funded projects. FYI it is an MVP expansion of two 'proof of concept', Catalyst F8 projects we ran with Wada. So we are confident on delivery outcomes and timescales. Cheers Harry
Jun 4, 2024 | 7:52 AMEdit Comment
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Thank you for sharing the linktree and the title accurate projects names, hard to validate credibility when you can't find the original source. I recommend updating the linktree's titles from 'compelted' to 'ongoing' for:1. F8 Inc. Train the Trainer Africa MVP 2. F8 Hub Support Services for Proposers I've rarely seen a team capable of delivering on multiple proposals, espically as you have more than 5 'ongoing' proposals. Moving forward, having direct links and transparency around previous proposals in any state, draft, submitted, onoging or completed will be helpful.
Project Owner Jun 4, 2024 | 10:27 AMEdit Comment
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HI Joey, many thx for your diligence, it is appreciated. As a heads up though both Catalyst F8 projects are completed and closeouts done. Have a great week :) Cheers H