
Please review the schedule for the current round for the latest dates and details for submitting proposals. Submit your proposal on Proposal Portal...

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Round 4 Proposals


Start: 22 April 12:00 UTC DFR4

End: 23 June 12:00 UTC


Preparation period start: 22 April 12:00 UTC 


Submission period Start: 29 April 12:00 UTC

Submission period end: 20 May 12:00 UTC


Review period Start: 20 May 12:00 UTC

Review period End: 10 June 12:00 UTC


Voting period Start: 10 June 12:00 UTC

Voting period End: 17 June 12:00 UTC


Awarded teams announcement: by 23 June 12:00 UTC




Round 4 - Beta Proposals

The purpose of this round is to test the features of our new platform, before embarking on Deep Funding round 4.
We are selecting ±10 proposers to help us in the testing process.
The proposal section will only be opened for selected proposers

Due to the smaller scope, we have also shortened our timelines:

  • Round opens for submission: 29 January (1 week)
  • Stable period: 5 February (1 week)
  • Voting period 12 - 19 Februari (1 week)

NB: Since this is a test round, and the development of some features is still underway, there may be some changes to the schedule or any other condition related to the round. Should this be the case, we are hoping for your understanding. 

In the round we aim to have 2 pools:
- New projects (that provide or utilize an AI-service on our platform)
- Ideation. 
Additionally, we are aiming to have a few RFPs in for testing purposes.

Join us in testing the new features, either as a proposer or as a community member by using our remodeled feedback options and brand-new reviews and ratings section.



Round 3 Proposals

Deep Funding Round 3: Results  

Deep Funding Round 3: Analysis of the Results 


Round 2 Proposals

Deep Funding Round 2: Results  

Deep Funding Round 2: Voting Analysis 


Round 1 Proposals

Governance Round 1: Outcomes of Community Governance Experiment - round 1 

Deep Funding Round 1:  results and the awarded projects in Round one