Ubio Obu
Project OwnerAI/ML expert with several publications in the field of AI
Milestone Release 1 |
$5,000 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 2 |
$14,996 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 3 |
$5,004 USD | Pending | TBD |
SingularityNet understands the importance of machine translations as a means of ensuring inclusion and making the AGI more accessible to all. This is why Ben Goertz established the ML team for machine translation for undersourced languages, with a pilot ongoing in Ethiopia in languages of Amharic, Tigray, etc. While the Pilot is ongoing in Ethiopia this proposal is to create a community-centric effort that will complement the work of the iCog Labs team who are working in Ethiopia and provide a community corpus of various minority languages that will be utilized by the SNET machine translation team to build a more comprehensive translation tool which incorporates the diversity of our world.
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This is where I will be having further discussions with the SNET ML translation team iCog Labs and every other party involved on the unity gritty details that will make this RFP
A transription of our meeting note or a voice recording if possible
$5,000 USD
At this point I will be documenting the RFP with all the details that will be needed to make it easy to comprehend and easy to apply as well
A draft of the completed written RFP
$14,996 USD
The written draft is given to expert to review and proof rean and ensure that it is in line with the acceptable standard
A reviewed RFP that has passed through proof reading and ready to be used
$5,004 USD
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© 2024 Deep Funding
Jun 9, 2024 | 7:22 PMEdit Comment
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Do you plan to engage and collaborate with native speakers or linguistic experts of minority languages to continuously improve and validate the accuracy of the translation models?
Jun 9, 2024 | 7:18 PMEdit Comment
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What measures will this project take to address potential challenges of accuracy in translations, linguistic nuances and cultural elements specific to minority languages in other to ensuring that the translations are both precise and contextually relevant?
May 22, 2024 | 4:59 AMEdit Comment
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How will you collect enough data from these languages? What are you going to do about the languages that do not have a written form?
Ubio Obu
Project Owner May 27, 2024 | 2:23 AMEdit Comment
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Hi Grace, thanks for your question, don't forget that this is for RFP design and when voted in I will give more specifications to whomever will be applying on what they can apply with. However just to answer your question the Icog labs team do have a clear methodology for collecting enough data, which includes platform, tools, pay per data and the RFP will specify that proposers follow that same method which they are using to gather enough data. For the unwritten languages we will not be starting with those of the 7000 languages, 4000 have written languages, so even the race towards the 4000 is a lot and while we do the languages with written literature, we will be planning for those with oral literature
May 29, 2024 | 7:46 PMEdit Comment
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This is a very helpful clarification, thank you.