Project OwnerProject Coordinator and Speaker. Experience and knowledge in Presenting Deep Funding, thanks to work with Deep Funding Academy, creation of educational content and previous participation in DF rounds.
Milestone Release 1 |
$3,655 USD | Transfer Complete | 09 Sep 2024 |
Milestone Release 2 |
$720 USD | Transfer Complete | 17 Oct 2024 |
Milestone Release 3 |
$1,220 USD | Transfer Complete | 08 Nov 2024 |
Milestone Release 4 |
$3,635 USD | Transfer Complete | 08 Nov 2024 |
Milestone Release 5 |
$1,710 USD | Transfer Complete | 17 Jan 2025 |
Cardano and Catalyst is an ecosystem full of innovators, new ideas, and people already familiar with Decentralized Grants Programs. Due to shared values, this is a great ecosystem to onboard more contributors to Deep Funding and Singularity Net.
To facilitate onboarding, we want to make a Workshop about Deep Funding at the Cardano Summit to Onboard more users into Deep Funding and Deep Funding Academy a Platform created to onboard and educate users on Deep Funding. Live events are a great opportunity to make stronger impressions and lasting connections, and we should take advantage of this event to grow Deep Funding and to make our presence known in the Cardano Community.
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1) Start with the development of the logistics for the event. Namely travel hosting and tickets for first-team members. ( minimum to ensure the workshop). 2) Start conversations with the Deep Funding Team about participation in the Workshop. 3) Create and Promote the Application Form for Community Members to apply as a team member for this workshop. 4) Initiate Conversations with the Cardano Foundation about the Workshop / Ticket Cardano summit -> 275 / Flights -> 1400 / Hotel -> minimum 280 per night= 1680 / Labour -> 15 x 20 = 300
1) Plane Tickets for Dubai -> Show proof of acquisition of tickets 2) Ticket for the Event -> Show acquired Ticket 3) Book Accommodation -> Show proof of hotel Booking 4) Share the link to the Form for Community Members 5) Share proof of marketing the form on Social Media
$3,655 USD
1) Plan Workshop and PowerPoint Presentation for the Event. 2) Conversations with the Deep Funding Team to define details and get confirmation on ideas for the Workshop. 3) Conversations with Marketing Circle for the Promotion and Coordination of this Event. Labour -> 36 hours x 20 =720
1) Document with Plan for the Workshop 2) Powerpoint Presentation 3) Green Light from the Deep Funding Team 4) Coordination with the Marketing Team in terms of Promotion
$720 USD
1) Create and/or define the design for Merchandise and the merch that will be available for Workshop participants. 2) Coordinate the process of creation of the merch with the respective companies.
1) Designs and plans for Merchandise -> 18 hours x 20 = 360 2) Agreement and Budget with Companies for the Merchandise = 33 x 20 + 200 Miscelaneous = 860 // 33 was the best quote we got from Tshirts I've recently created for our company.
$1,220 USD
1) Confirm workshop with Cardano Foundation 2) Confirm the Workshop with the Cardano Foundation and Finalize Details. // Ticket Cardano summit -> 275 // Flights -> 1400 // Hotel -> 1680 // Labour = 14 x 20 = 280
1) Finalized plan for workshop and event. 2) Confirmation of Workshop at the event and Workshop details
$3,635 USD
For this milestone the focus is on delivering the event: 1) Marketing initiatives to promote the Workshop 2) Collect Merch for the Workshop 3) Pre-workshop logistics 4) Execution of Workshop 5) Direct Engagements with Individuals in the Summit 6) Final Report for the Proposal with Metrics // Marketing -> 250 // Preparation Workshop Engagements and Report -> 23 X 20 = 460 // Additional Expenses (Food Travel Equipment Miscellaneous) -> 1000
1) Social Media posts and proof of Marketing initiatives. 2) Photos with the Merch 3) Photos from the event and the Workshop. 4) A final report measuring metrics and impact of the Workshop according to what is shared in the proposal.
$1,710 USD
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© 2024 Deep Funding
Jun 2, 2024 | 5:01 PMEdit Comment
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Great idea with great methodologies for execution. However, there may be challenges in ensuring that the workshop content is engaging and relevant to the audience, considering the diverse backgrounds and interests of attendees at the Cardano Summit. How would you handle this challenge ?
Project Owner Jun 4, 2024 | 9:30 AMEdit Comment
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Hello Gombilla, Thank you for your comment! In this Workshop we want to explain to as many individuals as possible how Deep Funding works and Onboarding them into our Ecosystem. However, our main focus will be on onboarding individuals and companies with great ideas in need of Funding. There are plenty of those in Cardano, and as such we will focus on showing them the opportunities within Deep Funding. There are very different categories they can apply, and even a lot of services already created they could leverage in their projects. Even though individuals are differents, the majority of people in Cardano share a desire to do better, create a fairer and more transparent world. This is something that we have here as well in Singularity Net and it's a easy bridge that connects us to the Cardano Community.So we will focus on connecting through shared principles, and hooking people through the opportunities we have for them, that can help them make that positive difference in the world, wether you have your own specific ideas or you just want to help Deep Funding in making a difference.Does that answer your question Gombilla?Your question was very general, so definitely tell me something if your still have any specific concerns more than glad to try to address them.