Milestone Release 1 |
$1,500 USD | Transfer Complete | 08 Aug 2024 |
Milestone Release 2 |
$500 USD | Transfer Complete | 22 Aug 2024 |
Milestone Release 3 |
$2,000 USD | Transfer Complete | 12 Sep 2024 |
Milestone Release 4 |
$1,000 USD | Pending | TBD |
"We've kept our initial research of legislations, and as we've found a lot of potential for optimizations in different legislations, we decided to start doing a more in-depth research than initially expected. This more in-depth research will be useful later, when we move into building this AI model, even though it will take us more time. We've researched 8 more jurisdictions and decided to add 3 more into the model, 3 more that we've already done Deep research Into. We have a total of 8 jurisdictions already deeply researched and selected to be a part of the model, and we have a few more on the pipeline we would like to explore."
"We were funded in the test round, and in April we finally finished the onboarding into Deep Funding and signed our contract to officially start our ideation research. This month we've progressed with the first milestone of our proposal a legal research over more than 25 legislations to pick the 10 to 15 legislations that we will explore further and prepare for in the future development of that model. We were able to during this month to research 11 legislations in a more general light, and have decided to added 5 legislations, that we've also done a deeper research into to actually get a deeper understanding of the inheritance laws in these legislations and the way we could eventually optimize for that."
"We've just been funded. We provided the details for our contract. We've reunited the team to deliver the project, and discussed the plan to be able to deliver it Successfully. We come up with 25 legislations we believe make sense to research, and from these legislations we are narrowing it down to 10 to 15 legislations that we will research further for the development for the research of the Inheritance Tax AI Agent."
This proposal aims to lay the groundwork to develop an AI Agent to provide tailored Tax Advice. To minimize risks, in this ideation proposal, we intend to research the feasibility of the proposal and define features, requirements, and a plan for the development of this AI agent to provide tailored legal advice on inheritance tax across different legislations. The service would be developed with the assistance of GenWealth, the first Inheritance Protocol on Cardano, which has agreed to assist in the development and pilot of an MVP AI agent in the future. From this ideation work the goal is to create a proposal in the future, and make this AI Agent available in the Singularity Net Marketplace.
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Go through different legislations and Define a list of at least 10 to 15 different jurisdictions and inheritance legislations to dive deeper into. Inheritance Tax Laws: Gain a deep understanding of the inheritance tax laws in the 10 legislations you are targeting. This includes understanding exemptions deductions and different taxation thresholds. Analyze legislation and create possible tax optimization strategies for different scenarios. If needed contact lawyers in the regions to get insights and information and confirm our analysis and optimization. Research the legal implications of generating an AI tax agent to provide legal advice in each of the chosen legislations. If necessary consult with law professionals for advice. Define legal requirements to be followed and legal framework to be able to develop and offer this AI agent as a Service in the different legislations Cost Breakdown -> 75hours * 20 = 1500
1. Define the List of Initial Legislations to be studied and inserted in the development of the AI model for Inheritance Tax Advice 2. Summary of the legislation with a list of exemptions deductions and different taxation thresholds. 3. Examples of different Scenarios of Tax Optimization Strategies for Different Legislations 4. Document with legal requirements to be followed in the development and presentation of the AI model in the different legislations. 5. Notes to elaborate terms and conditions for the Usage of this model.
$1,500 USD
Research of most searched questions related to inheritance and inheritance tax in the selected legislations. Create a Survey and get answers from the GenWealth community. Define the specifications necessary for the development of an AI Agent that has real-world usefulness. Cost Breakdown = 25hours *20$ = 500$
Document with most searched questions related to inheritance tasks in the selected legislations. Survey result from GenWealth Community. List of the required functionalities by the users and the capabilities necessary of this AI Model to be used in a real-world scenario.
$500 USD
Research other existing AI solutions in the Inheritance Tax Advice Space and the Tax Advice Space. Research existing technology and open-source AI models we can leverage and train for this purpose. Access the feasibility of the development of the model and Determine the key features that are relevant for predicting inheritance tax outcomes. Create specifications and plan to train the AI Model. Cost Breakdown -> 40 hours * 50$ = 2000$
1 . List of open-source AI models that can be used. 2. Feasibility key features specifications and plan to train this AI Model
$2,000 USD
Create a final report with the most relevant information and the plan of the process and considerations to develop this AI model. Draft a proposal to develop this AI model in a future fund. Cost Breakdown - > 20 hours * 50$ = 1000$
Final report from the research to be made available for consultation. Draft a document with a Proposal for a new Project idea based on this ideation.
$1,000 USD
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Jan Horlings
Feb 1, 2024 | 1:36 PMEdit Comment
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Interesting proposal! You mention in the milestones: "10 to 15 different jurisdictions" Which countries are you targeting for this app? After consulting the app, what would be the next steps for the user?
Project Owner Feb 2, 2024 | 10:24 PMEdit Comment
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Hello Jan, Thank you so much for your question. In terms of countries, we will evaluate all of that in the first milestone, where we will decide the jurisdictions. To reach the final decision we will consider the clarity of the inheritance tax laws in the country, the potential of the country in terms of the Market Opportunity, and the space for tax optimization and to reduce complexity. Ideally, we would also like to spread it across different continents to have at least 1 jurisdiction from each continent. We already have some knowledge of the UK and that is a country almost guaranteed to be in this initial research. In terms of the app, if the user is thinking of doing everything on its own, then it has some advice and guidance on steps to follow and what to do at his own risk (he will be more informed about his options). However, we recommend users consult with an inheritance tax expert, and in that case, they can hear what he says and also share the strategy provided by our AI model to get a professional opinion ( they will be better able to evaluate the quality of the suggestions of the tax expert when compared to the strategies shared by the AI Model). Hope it answered your questions but if he didn't please don't hesitate to ask more questions!
Jan Horlings
Feb 3, 2024 | 5:42 PMEdit Comment
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Thx! Sounds like a solid strategy (with plenty of monetization possibilities!)