Project OwnerI will oversee the overall project execution. I will coordinate team activities, set project goals and timelines, manage resources, and ensure that deliverables are completed.
Milestone Release 1 |
$1,500 USD | Transfer Complete | 24 Oct 2024 |
Milestone Release 2 |
$2,500 USD | Transfer Complete | 24 Oct 2024 |
Milestone Release 3 |
$1,000 USD | Transfer Complete | 29 Nov 2024 |
A revolutionary decentralized waste management platform that connects waste producers directly with waste management companies and recyclers. Powered by AI algorithms, it analyzes historical & real-time data to predict waste generation, optimize collection routes, and match producers with the most suitable solutions based on location, waste type, & recycling capabilities. Smart contracts ensure transparent & automated transactions, fostering trust between parties. It also empowers communities through Community-Led Recycling Initiatives, allowing members to earn tokens for participating in recycling programs. These tokens can be redeemed for rewards or reinvested in environmental initiatives
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During this milestone our project team will embark on an in-depth exploration of existing waste management practices technologies and regulatory frameworks. Our research will encompass a wide range of sources including academic journals industry reports government publications and expert interviews. Our research team will collect data on various aspects of waste management including waste generation rates recycling processes landfill usage and environmental impacts. By conducting thorough research our team aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of waste management as well as to identify key challenges and opportunities in the sector.
A comprehensive research report summarizing findings on current waste management practices technological innovations regulatory requirements and environmental implications. Data sets and sources used for analysis are documented. This will also include a preliminary market research showcasing opportunities for scaling.
$1,500 USD
In this milestone our project team will focus on developing comprehensive technical documentation that outlines the conceptual design and architecture of the SMART WASTE platform. This documentation will include system architecture diagrams flowcharts illustrating data flow and processing and API specifications detailing how different components of the platform will interact with each other. Additionally our team will conduct a thorough feasibility analysis to assess the technical economic and environmental viability of implementing SMART WASTE. This analysis will evaluate factors such as the scalability and performance of the platform potential costs and revenue streams and the environmental impact of the proposed solution. The team will also identify and evaluate potential risks and develop mitigation strategies to address them.
Technical documents including system architecture diagrams flowcharts and other relevant specifications. This will also include a feasibility analysis report detailing the potential benefits challenges and risks associated with implementing SMART WASTE.
$2,500 USD
During this milestone our project team will actively engage with key stakeholders including waste producers waste management companies recyclers and regulatory authorities to gather feedback on the SMART WASTE concept and prototypes. Our team will conduct a variety of engagement activities such as surveys interviews and focus groups to understand the needs preferences and concerns of each stakeholder group. These interactions will provide valuable insights into how the SMART WASTE platform can be refined and improved to better meet the needs of its users and stakeholders.
A Stakeholder feedback report summarizing insights gathered from engagement activities. This would also include recommendations for refining and improving the SMART WASTE concept and prototypes based on stakeholder input and market demand.
$1,000 USD
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May 17, 2024 | 10:17 PMEdit Comment
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Hi, I’m not sure if I grasped this correctly. Could you give any practical examples how the service would work? I mean, when we talk about waste producers, are we talking about individuals, households, corporations, cities, nations or any types of entities? What might be some example variables in the prediction? I assume this service would be primarily about guiding the waste collectors and recyclers to organize their operations efficiently?
May 17, 2024 | 3:00 PMEdit Comment
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The proposal is very compelling but appears to need improvement in some areas to enhance clarity and feasibility. It is necessary to provide specific technical details on how AI and smart contracts will be utilized, clarify scalability, and integration with current waste management systems. The team should emphasize security measures and data protection for users. [Also hope that you could provide us with some feedback on the proposal to help us improve it further. Thank you very much. https://deepfunding.ai/proposal/play-quizz-explore-singularity-ecosystem/]
Project Owner May 17, 2024 | 3:15 PMEdit Comment
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Thanks for your comments. As regards to utilizing AI: Our proposed algorithms will be able to analyze the characteristics of waste producers, such as location, waste types, and recycling capabilities.The platform matches waste producers with the most suitable waste management companies and recyclers based on their requirements and capabilities, optimizing resource utilization and minimizing transportation costs. As regards smart contracts employability, Smart contracts will be deployed on a blockchain network to facilitate transparent and automated transactions between waste producers, waste management companies, and recyclers. When waste producers submit requests for waste collection or recycling services, smart contracts automatically execute the matching process and manage the terms of the agreement, including pricing, scheduling, and payment.