Project OwnerProject's main PIC. Responsible for researching the contents, managing the project's tasks, and serving the community. Responsible for hiring additional content writer or graphic designer.
Milestone Release 1 |
$500 USD | Transfer Complete | 26 Sep 2024 |
Milestone Release 2 |
$1,080 USD | Transfer Complete | 17 Oct 2024 |
Milestone Release 3 |
$4,320 USD | Transfer Complete | 17 Jan 2025 |
Milestone Release 4 |
$500 USD | Transfer Complete | 17 Jan 2025 |
We finished the first milestone (not yet submitted because we want to wait the AGIX token migration) and we are on track to complete the second milestone.
As of the last couple of years, cryptocurrencies have been the trending topic among Indonesians as a compelling form of investment, promoted by many Indonesian influencers. AI is also having a major influence on Indonesian life, as they are adopting it for entertainment, education, and content creation. However, SingularityNet and Deep Funding have neither reach nor visibility in the Indonesian community. This is a huge opportunity to miss because Indonesia has a large population and is one of the most active internet users. This proposal aims to solve this issue through multiple community-building channels: Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, and Medium.
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This milestone would take two weeks. It consists of setting up the Instagram account the Medium account the Facebook group and the Telegram channel. It also includes the creation of a Notion Kanban board which is used to manage the project's tasks and for the SNET and Deep Funding communities to check in on our progress.
The deliverables would be an initial setup for the Instagram account Medium account Telegram channel Facebook group and publicly viewable Notion board.
$500 USD
This milestone happens four weeks after preparation. The objective is that every platform has released a minimum of one post or update to the community. Project management also starts during this milestone.
The deliverables would be the first of 4 Instagram posts first Medium article first of 4 Telegram channel updates and first of 4 Facebook group posts.
$1,080 USD
On this milestone we aim to reach the target number of our posts and updates.
The deliverables would be the completion of all 20 Instagram posts 5 Medium articles or tutorials and a minimum of 20 Facebook group and Telegram channel updates.
$4,320 USD
In this milestone we will collect and analyze user feedback. We will also aggregate our social media platform metrics. Based on the inputs we will compile a publicly accessible report so future community-building efforts on SingularityNet and Deep Funding can learn from and improve upon it.
The deliverables would be a compilation of user feedback social media platform metrics and a final report.
$500 USD
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© 2025 Deep Funding
Jun 3, 2024 | 2:45 PMEdit Comment
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This proposal strategy covers multiple social media platforms and content types. However, I would add that maintaining a consistent level of quality and relevance across all channels may be challenging. Additionally, I would like the team to essentially monitor and respond to feedback and interactions from the community effectively to foster a sense of connection and engagement.
Project Owner Jun 10, 2024 | 3:34 PMEdit Comment
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Thank you for the comment. I agree, interaction with the community is an essential part of the proposal's implementation that should be kept in mind.