Project details
Photrek will develop a Monte Carlo simulation [1-2] capability to determine the ability of voting systems to maximize the quality of community decisions. Photrek will compare two ‘strength of conviction’ methods for ranking the quality of proposals. Both methods will distribute voting credits based on the square-root of AGIX holdings. Quadratic or Plural Voting [3-4] requires the voter to rank their opinion on each proposal by distributing their credits. The votes applied to a proposal is the square-root of the credits applied. “No-cost Grading” applies the voter’s credits equally to all proposals and requires the voter to separately grade the proposal on a scale of 1-10.
We seek to evaluate the claims of Plural Voting that the application of the quadratic cost to preferences incentivizes individual voters to express the truth about their convictions rather than strategically using extreme opinions. A second claim that will be evaluated is whether Plural Voting mitigates the formation of dominant factions across a series of decisions. The goal is to encourage pluralistic values within decentralized communities by assuring that both minorities with strong convictions and majorities with broad support can influence outcomes without a particular faction gaining permanent control.
Andre Vilela and a graduate student will develop statistical agent-based models to simulate community sentiments [5] about a group of proposals. The proposals will have a distribution of value (the quality returned to the community) and cost (the funding requested). Vilela utilizes majority-vote dynamics to model how gossip within a community leads to dynamic variation in community sentiment [6-10]. The Monte Carlo simulation foundation will be applied to Plural Voting and No-Cost Grading for the purpose of determining the ability of these voting methods to maximize the expected community profit (value - cost). A roadmap incorporating reputation will be provided. Vilela has successfully applied these methods to a variety of socioeconomic systems including social influence, network structures, information diffusion, and consensus dynamic. Photrek with Vilela completed contracts with IOTA on blockchain consensus and Cardano Catalyst on diversified voting [11-12].
Nelson and Attieh will work with the SingularityNET community to apply simulation results to a requirements roadmap. To assure an independent critique of the results, Photrek will provide $5000 for 2-3 experts selected from the SingularityNET community to provide a technical review. Starting with our second report, the reviewers will provide an independent critique and recommendation in each report.
[1] Short-time Monte Carlo simulation of the majority-vote model on cubic lattices. K. P. do Nascimento, L. C. de Souza, A. J. F. de Souza, André L. M. Vilela, H. Eugene Stanley. Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2021.
[2] Three-state Majority-vote Model on Small-world Networks. Bernardo J. Zubillaga, André L. M. Vilela, Minggang Wang, Ruijin Du, Gaogao Dong, H. Eugene Stanley. Scientific Reports, 2022.
[3] Quadratic Voting. Steven P. Lalley and E. Glen Weyl. Available at SSRN, 2014.
[4] Posner, Eric A, and E Glen Weyl. 2015. “Voting Squared: Quadratic Voting in Democratic Politics.” Vanderbilt Law Review 68 (2).
[5] Effect of Strong Opinions on the Dynamics of the Majority-Vote Model. André L. M. Vilela and H. Eugene Stanley. Scientific Reports, 2018.
[6] Opinion dynamics in financial markets via random networks. Mateus F. B. Granha, André L. M. Vilela, Chao Wang, Kenric P. Nelson and H. Eugene Stanley. PNAS, 2022.
[7] A Three-state Opinion Formation Model for Financial Markets. Bernardo J. Zubillaga, André L. M. Vilela, Chao Wang, Kenric P. Nelson, H. Eugene Stanley. Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2021.
[8] Majority-vote model with limited visibility: An investigation into filter bubbles. André L.M. Vilela, Luiz Felipe C. Pereira, Laércio Dias, H. Eugene Stanley, Luciano R. da Silva, Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2021.
[9] Three-state Majority-Vote Model on Barabási-Albert and Cubic Networks and the Unitary Relation for Critical Exponents. André L. M. Vilela, Bernardo J. Zubillaga, Chao Wang, Minggang Wang, Ruijin Du, H. Eugene Stanley. Scientific Reports, 2020.
[10] Majority-vote model for financial markets. André L. M. Vilela, Chao Wang, Kenric P. Nelson, H. Eugene Stanley. Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019.
[11] IOTA Majority Vote Final Report. André L.M. Vilela and Kenric P. Nelson, 2020. Accessed February 4, 2024.
[12] Diversify Voting Influence Close Out Report. Photrek, LLC. Kenric P. Nelson, André L.M. Vilela, and Megan Hess, 2021.