Milestone Release 1 |
$2,400 USD | Transfer Complete | 16 May 2024 |
Milestone Release 2 |
$10,970 USD | Transfer Complete | 14 Jun 2024 |
Milestone Release 3 |
$11,080 USD | Transfer Complete | 19 Jul 2024 |
Milestone Release 4 |
$11,660 USD | Transfer Complete | 12 Sep 2024 |
Milestone Release 5 |
$13,890 USD | Transfer Complete | 10 Oct 2024 |
We simulated how people vote on several voting systems, including the one currently used by sNET, 1c1v and other promising alternatives. We also considered how strategic and extreme voting impact the results. This research is critical to designing even better voting systems that optimize the aggregate voter's welfare and provide better results to the community.
SingularityNET is seeking to advance its high-quality decision process for its decentralized Deep Funding program. In support of this aim, Photrek proposes to develop an open-source simulator which models how the complex network of community sentiments impacts voting outcomes. The project will both lay a foundation for voting simulation capability and demonstrate an initial result. This first investigation will evaluate the claim of Plural Voting that applying a quadratic cost to the strengths of opinion assures a) truthful voting, and b) mitigation of controlling factions. A roadmap of future capabilities including simulation of collusion detection and reputation scores will be provided.
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$2,400 USD
* Literature review for informed research design. * Prototyping Plural Voting: initial design a model to simulate multi-agent interactions aiming to analyze social phenomena and voting patterns in groups. * Monte Carlo computational modeling: simulate decisive social complex phenomena. * Selection of 2-3 experts by the community to form the ‘Red Team’
* A comprehensive literature review to guide the research design focusing on voting dynamics and individual preferences. * An Initial prototype of a Plural Voting model designed to uncover voting patterns and facilitate expressions in interactive groups. * A Monte Carlo computational model using random number sequences to model social voting dynamics. * Selected expert reviewers to form the ‘Red Team’.
$10,970 USD
* Quadratic Voting and No-Cost Grading implementated in computer simulations. * Comparison of the voting dynamics and outcomes between with and without quadratic costs for conviction voting. * Red team review of Photrek’s M2 deliverables.
* Fully implemented simulations of quadratic voting and No-cost Grading. * Complete and detailed design of the plural voting model capable of realistically simulating multi-agent interactions and social. * Comparison of Plural Voting with No-Cost Grading. * Comprehensive evaluation by red team experts of the plural voting prototype design and Monte Carlo modeling as presented in Milestone 2.
$11,080 USD
* Analysis of voting design modeling and simulation outputs utilizing careful statistical analysis including statistical moments (e.g. second moment kurtosis) * Provide summary of the relative performance outcomes of quadratic and no-cost grading. * Develop a proposal plan for how correlation measurements can be incorporated into the simulation for collusion mitigation. * Community Engagement: Red team review of Photrek’s M3 deliverables.
* Extensive data for knowledge extraction conclusions and decision-making support for the SNET community. * A comprehensive report featuring in-depth statistical analysis valuable insights and conclusions along with a detailed examination of complex system statistics. * A proposal plan for integrating correlation measurements into collusion mitigation simulations. * Comprehensive evaluation by red team experts of the quadratic voting implementation and complete plural voting design as presented in Milestone 3.
$11,660 USD
* Present a combination of visual analytical and statistical analyses. * Communicate key aspects of our design and research findings to the SNET community. * Offer insights and a potential roadmap for voting design improvements based on the simulation results. * Create a strategy that involves incorporating reputation scores into the simulation framework. Red team will provide independent recommendations based on the simulation results.
* Presentation of visual analytical and statistical research conclusions engaging the SingularityNET community with key findings and a roadmap for enhancements to SingularityNET voting platform. * Presentation of independent evaluations and recommendations from the red team.
$13,890 USD
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© 2025 Deep Funding
Feb 10, 2024 | 3:42 PMEdit Comment
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In my view, in the web 3 ecosystems, the real discussion about decision-making resources has barely even started. Yet the dynamic stability and evolution of these collective agents will be completely dependent on how the decision-making power is distributed among the subagents for each decision and over time. Objective metrics and fact based analysis are the only genuine guidance one can have to tackle such questions. Any error correction that can be done through this simulated ‘virtual reality’ means less cost on the actual process. I find this as a super important challenge and your proposal as an equally valuable endeavor.