NACE inspired attention evaluation frame work

RFP Proposals
Dwane van der Sluis
Project Owner

NACE inspired attention evaluation frame work

Expert Rating



To build a software package that is pip installable, that exposes the planning step of gymnasium grid world problems, in a way that allows experimentation and bench marking.

RFP Guidelines

Framework for evaluating approaches to attention allocation

Proposal Submission (4 days left)
  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Total RFP Funding $60,000 USD
  • Proposals 3
  • Awarded Projects n/a
Oct. 9, 2024

The goal of this project is to develop a framework to evaluate various approaches to Attention Allocation (AA) within the OpenCog Hyperon and PRIMUS architectures. The AA system dynamically allocates cognitive resources to Atoms in the Distributed Atomspace (DAS), and this framework will help assess AA methods based on desired cognitive dynamics. The framework will improve both Probabilistic Logic Networks (PLN) and evolutionary methods like Meta-Optimizing Semantic Evolutionary Search (MOSES), which are critical components of the PRIMUS architecture.

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  • Total Milestones


  • Total Budget

    $11,250 USD

  • Last Updated

    24 Nov 2024

Milestone 1 - NACE solving gymnasium problems.


Some of this work has been done already hence the low apparent cost of this milestone.


Have a python pip installable package available on pypi that allows gymnasium grid world problems to be learned via the NACE algorthm (see Patrick Hammer -NACE and Berick Cook - AIRIS)


$1,250 USD

Milestone 2 - Expose planning and attention via interface


The planning mechanism of the NACE algorithm consumes the majority of the compute. Changing the interface so that 1) the planning can take advantage of attention and 2) attention can be learned could be very useful to researchers.


Have the planning and attention exposed via an interface in the pypi installable package and documented.


$2,500 USD

Milestone 3 - Literature review on attention and planning


Complete literature review on attention and planning


Literature review on attention and planning. Publish on Arxiv.


$2,500 USD

Milestone 4 - Implement baseline attention learning mechanisim


Have a baseline attention learning mechanisim implemented in the pypi installable package.


Have a baseline attention learning mechanisim implemented in the pypi installable package. Have the interface documented and working.


$2,500 USD

Milestone 5 - Framework write up


Write up framework for evaluation and submit as paper to AGI conference. The framework will include descriptions and concrete examples of the tradeoffs that occur in various scenarios (gymnasium environments). The aim is to produce a metric which is better for algorithms that attain the same performance for fewer episodes or total steps for a given attention algorithm.


Submit paper to the AGI conference.


$2,500 USD

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