MeTTa Demo: Sequence Learning

RFP Proposals
Bowen Xu
Project Owner

MeTTa Demo: Sequence Learning

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This project focuses on creating a MeTTa demo for sequence learning. A sequence learning model will be implemented in MeTTa, designed to learn in real-time and continuously predict future events. The model is capable of continual learning without experiencing catastrophic forgetting. Additionally, its internal states will be visualized, enabling users to interpret and explain the model's behavior. This demo aims to showcase the development of a relatively complex MeTTa project and demonstrate how MeTTa can be utilized in advanced AI research.

RFP Guidelines

Develop interesting demos in MeTTa

Internal Proposal Review
  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Total RFP Funding $100,000 USD
  • Proposals 21
  • Awarded Projects n/a
Aug. 12, 2024

Create educational and/or useful demos using SingularityNET's own MeTTa programming language. This RFP aims at bringing more community adoption of MeTTa and engagement within our ecosystem, and to demonstrate and expand the utility of MeTTa. Researchers must maintain demos for a minimum of one year.

Proposal Description

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  • Total Milestones


  • Total Budget

    $25,000 USD

  • Last Updated

    6 Dec 2024

Milestone 1 - Data-structures


In this phase, some basic data-structures that are needed in the sequence learning model will be implemented, including "Column", "Node", "Layer", "Link", "Bundle", "Memory", "TruthValue", and so on. For each of the type, the related basic functions will implemented. Test-cases will be defined and implemented.


The MeTTa code for the related type definitions and functions. as well as the test-cases.


$6,250 USD

Success Criterion

1. The MeTTa code can be executed. 2. The test-cases are passed.

Milestone 2 - Functions


Implement the functions related to the reasoning and learning processes, including "step", "hypothesize", "revise", and so on. Test-cases will be defined and implemented.


The MeTTa code for the related functions. as well as the test-cases.


$6,250 USD

Success Criterion

1. The MeTTa code can be executed. 2. The test-cases are passed.

Milestone 3 - Learning


Complete the core of the program, which learns and reasons in real time. The system accept one event as input at each timestep, and predict future events for the next step.


The MeTTa code for the system core, and the code for experiments that show the system's performance (i.e., prediction accuracy).


$6,250 USD

Success Criterion

1. The prediction accuracy reaches the theoretically maximum.

Milestone 4 - Visualization


Visualize the system's states in Python. Draw the whole network, and mark the internal states with different colors. Draw the accuracy curve in real time.


1. The python code that visualize the experiment.


$6,250 USD

Success Criterion

1. Succesfully show the dynamics of the system. 2. Succesfully show the accuracy curve in real time.

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