Milestone Release 1 |
$7,500 USD | Transfer Complete | 01 Aug 2024 |
Milestone Release 2 |
$5,000 USD | Transfer Complete | 11 Apr 2024 |
Milestone Release 3 |
$8,000 USD | Transfer Complete | 16 May 2024 |
Milestone Release 4 |
$6,500 USD | Transfer Complete | 14 Jun 2024 |
Milestone Release 5 |
$3,000 USD | Transfer Complete | 15 Aug 2024 |
We successfully completed Milestone 1 (hosting) and Milestone 5 (onboarding). Key achievements include implementing a token system for paid access, improving the speed and quality of the recommendation API with better infrastructure, and onboarding the service to the SNET platform for client access.
Completed Milestone 4 and started on the API Calls & Hosting milestone.
Completed milestone 2 (submitted and approved) and 95% of milestone 3 (will submit this week of May 6th). These milestones include creating the interface for the dashboard, login and signup flow, user inputs, data processing and may more features!
Satellite Insights for Sustainable Farming offers smallholder farmers AI-powered monitoring and insights. Using satellite imagery and computer vision, farmers can map fields, track crop health, and receive actionable recommendations via a user-friendly dashboard. Our mission is to democratize precision agriculture, enabling smallholders to optimize resources, boost productivity, and embrace sustainable practices for improved livelihoods.
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This milestone represents the required reservation of 25% of your total requested budget for API calls or hosting costs. Because it is required we have prefilled it for you and it cannot be removed or adapted.
You can use this amount for payment of API calls on our platform. Use it to call other services or use it as a marketing instrument to have other parties try out your service. Alternatively you can use it to pay for hosting and computing costs.
$7,500 USD
Develop an intuitive dashboard interface for users to access monitoring data and AI insights.
User-friendly dashboard with features for data & insights visualization.
$5,000 USD
Implement mechanisms to ingest data from users (farmers) and external APIs (Sentinel and weather data). Then Develop systems for processing and storing ingested data efficiently.
Automated data ingestion pipelines data validation processes with Data processing pipelines and storage infrastructure.
$8,000 USD
Conduct research and development for machine learning models including land classification and yield estimation.
Trained ML models model optimization processes.
$6,500 USD
Integrate the developed dashboard and AI models with the SNET marketplace for advanced AI services.
Integration with SNET APIs testing and validation.
$3,000 USD
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© 2025 Deep Funding
Feb 7, 2024 | 1:06 AMEdit Comment
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Fascinating project, bringing advanced and detailed information to the smallhold farmer. I'm curious, will smallhold farmers be able to access recommendations using phones that are not smartphones? What's the hardware tech requirement for the farmer? Thank you, I am not an expert in this.
Ammar Khairi
Project Owner Feb 8, 2024 | 11:46 AMEdit Comment
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A smartphone is a minimum requirement to make use of the solution and considering the importance of phones and access to the internet for farmers (for weather alerts, information pests, etc..) in general; I think this is a reasonable requirement. However, we still try to process as seamless as possible in terms of the required digital literacy to use the technology. We do this by incrementally incorporating users to the system, each step requiring more information and knowledge than the one before it.
Jan 30, 2024 | 10:06 AMEdit Comment
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Hi Ammar, another question: since the service intends to serve smallholder farmers whose digital literacy might be low, what will be the user experience of this service? Do you have any measures to make it easy to use even for people with low digital literacy?
Ammar Khairi
Project Owner Jan 30, 2024 | 2:45 PMEdit Comment
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Digital literacy is one of the main obstacles for us indeed. The data we use such farm coordinates, crops grown and the growing cycle, irrigation frequency, etc.. are hard to keep track of in the case traditional agriculture and require some level of digital literacy to upload correctly. So your point makes total sense. We try to address first by lowering the barrier to entry as much as possible. Having just the coordinates of a field we can provide basic monitoring of the growth of the field to get started. Having additional information we can then offer insights and recommendation. Additionally we also aim to simplify the dashboard as much as possible in terms of singing up and using, once user gets start using the system they can upload extra information or reach out for support.
Jan 30, 2024 | 10:04 AMEdit Comment
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Hi Ammar, a great proposal! I love the mission of this project. I believe the important aspect of this proposal is the cost of using your AI service because the end users will be smallholder farmers. How much do they pay to use your service when it becomes available?
Ammar Khairi
Project Owner Jan 30, 2024 | 2:33 PMEdit Comment
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Exactly Seriayun , our main focus to offer the services at the lowest price point possible. The thinking now is that we make access to basic monitoring features in the dashboards open. That's because the running cost of these services is small since they do not require much compute or storage. Accessing AI services (crop yield estimation and Land Classification) will then be monetized through the SNET platform. The pricing then will be based on the area field and a very rough estimate would 10£/acre of land for the land classification based on the size of data we will have to pull and the processing to tune the model this new area. Thanks for the interesting comment!
Ammar Khairi
Project Owner Jan 29, 2024 | 2:25 PMEdit Comment
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Hi Jan , Thank you for the comment. First I want you to point out that the proposal is far but from complete, but our thinking was to get something out as soon as possible so we can fit in the feedback (just like yours) within the given timeframe. Regarding the onboarding we are in fact planning to onboard our dashboard to SNET platform, we still just not 100% clear on how the details of that, but we will get to it ASAP. Thanks again for your the helpful comments!
Jan Horlings
Jan 29, 2024 | 7:17 PMEdit Comment
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Thank you Ammar! Looking forward to that, and appreciate your publishing strategy! Note that our AI platform is targeted at AI services (and knowledge graphs). I hope that your dashboard is a good fit for this. Should you decide to onboard some other services: This does open the possibility of monetizing them to third parties that might use them in their solution. And there are no fees to SingularityNET related to this. Cheers!
Jan Horlings
Jan 29, 2024 | 1:53 PMEdit Comment
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Hi Ammar, I noticed that you are not planning to onboard any of your services to our AI platform, nor use any service already available on the platform. This is a requirement of our 'New Projects' pool. Without this, you will not be eligible for a reward. Would it be possible and feasible for you to onboard the underlying AI-services to the decentralized AI platform? (We are aware that this is not yet properly addressed in the proposal form by means of a warning or such, and hope we can improve on that before DFR4)