Milestone Release 1 |
$11,000 USD | Transfer Complete | TBD |
Milestone Release 2 |
$8,000 USD | Transfer Complete | TBD |
Milestone Release 3 |
$10,000 USD | Transfer Complete | TBD |
Milestone Release 4 |
$11,000 USD | Transfer Complete | TBD |
Milestone Release 5 |
$5,000 USD | Transfer Complete | TBD |
Milestone Release 6 |
$8,000 USD | Transfer Complete | 11 Apr 2024 |
Milestone Release 7 |
$12,000 USD | Transfer Complete | TBD |
Milestone Release 8 |
$8,500 USD | Transfer Complete | 11 Apr 2024 |
Milestone Release 9 |
$10,500 USD | Pending | 19 Jul 2024 |
SIBYL is an AutoML service and research tool that produces personalized forecasts on various time-series data, regardless of scientific or industry domain. All users need to do is input the raw data. Applications are boundless, including but not limited to financial/crypto market flows, sales demand/usage, energy/weather, sensors/satellites, computer/blockchain networks, and bioinformatics.
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Description: finalize Temporai company formation and SIBYL Delphi design/user requirements. Deliverables: establish company as LLC, finalize contracts with team, assemble legal, set up business and development tools (e.g., Slack, GitHub, AWS, Quickbooks), finalize stacking architecture or Delphi design, understand the SNET’s API schema, gather several user requirements from SNET ecosystem (e.g., PoCs mentioned in the proposal Marketing section), and write the following above up as a mini-report.
$11,000 USD
Description: SIBYL v0.1 with one baseline statistical Sybil. Deliverables: create a baseline statistical time-series base model or Sybil (e.g., Auto-ARIMA), deploy v0.1 to AWS (e.g., CodeDeploy), and test/evaluate forecasts or oracles with alpha users.
$8,000 USD
Description: SIBYL v0.2 with multiple statistical Sybils and baseline Pythia. Deliverables: create multiple statistical Sybils, ensemble them to form a foundational Delphi, use a baseline meta-learner Pythia (e.g., weighted-average (WA)), deploy v0.2 to AWS, resolve any deployment bugs from current and previous milestones, and test/evaluate oracles with alpha users.
$10,000 USD
Description: SIBYL v0.3 with more Delphi automation/optimization and alternative Pythia. Deliverables: further automate data preprocessing and model selection functions, use an alternative Pythia (e.g., linear regression (LR)), deploy v0.3 to AWS, optimize code to reduce latency, and test/evaluate oracles with alpha users.
$11,000 USD
Description: Deploy SIBYL v0.3 from AWS to SNET Platform. Deliverables: Integrate v0.3 app/endpoint as a SNET service, deploy service onto SNET marketplace platform, and develop basic front-end marketplace UI.
$5,000 USD
Description: SIBYL v0.4 with hybrid Sybil using external NeuralProphet service. Deliverables: add onboarded NeuralProphet service as hybrid Sybil into the Delphi, enable multivariate and lagged-covariate features, deploy v0.4 to SNET platform end-to-end, optimize code to reduce latency, refine front-end marketplace UI, and test/evaluate oracles with alpha users.
$8,000 USD
Description: SIBYL v0.5 with machine/deep learning Sybils. Deliverables: create and add at least one ML Sybil (e.g., LightGBM) and at least one DL Sybil (e.g., LSTM) (or alternatively at least two of one of them) into the Delphi, deploy v0.5 to SNET platform end-to-end, optimize code to reduce latency, and test/evaluate oracles with alpha users.
$12,000 USD
Description: SIBYL v1.0 with community reports. Deliverables: test/evaluate v0.5 forecasts with alpha users, make final tweaks and release it as v1.0 to SNET platform end-to-end, write a final report and/or whitepaper about the SIBYL architecture and PoCs, create Temporai website with SIBYL page if necessary, and focus more on marketing/promotion with the assistance of SNET and community.
$8,500 USD
Description: disburse remaining API funds for production hosting, maintenance, and usage incentivization on-demand.
$10,500 USD
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