Long Description
Company Name
DeepFunding Academy
We propose the initiation of the DeepFunding Academy, powered by Andamio, a learning management system (LMS) based platform to support the onboarding and education of DeepFunding community members, to provide a place and material, guidance and support for newcomers to get trained and onboarded into the DeepFunding Ecosystem and its Roles, such as Proposer, Reviewer, Voter and other new emerging roles within the DeepFunding ecosystem.
This proposal introduces the first phase of initiating the DeepFunding Academy, where we will mainly focus on setting up the foundations for later structures. We will not build The Academy in a week, and we want to go step by step, developing the project in parallel to the DeepFunding evolution itself. The Academy aims to cover both sides, use the platform to train people and train people to use the platform. Ideally, we can spark a builders' community inception for DeepFunding in alignment with SingularityNETs & Cardano's larger visions. In the case of receiving funding and implementing Phase #1, we will explore ideal items and further evolutions towards AI/ML use cases for the DeepFunding Academy. But as said, step by step :)
DeepFunding, designed as an iterating and evolving model, will change significantly from round to round. First-generated educational content may need to be updated quickly in the next funding round. We focus on installing the first processes, which will adapt and evolve over time and by participation. We focus on applying best practices, key learnings, and knowledge and experience gained from operating in DLT-based innovation funds such as Cardano's Project Catalyst. That's our strongest asset in this proposal: a well-seasoned group of people and projects, many different perspectives and skills which are found together on some common values. You can find our values by looking at our actions, and we hope to get your support in helping us to build up a DeepFunding Ecosystem where any role and perspective find an environment to commonly build on technology which may change humans at scale and future.
Lastly, this initiative will help to further decentralise DeepFunding by giving the community more autonomy and putting less pressure on the DeepFunding & SingularityNET core team. It decentralizes some of the DeepFunding key operations, such as onboarding and education towards the community, meaning that there are fewer points of failure, increasing the ecosystem's overall resilience.
Funding Amount
35,665 USD in AGIX
The Problem to be Solved
While we recognize the existence of the DeepFunding website (
and the SingularityNet Discord server as repositories of information, a focused and directed approach is necessary to guide and support the onboarding of Project DeepFunding roles (i.e., proposers, reviewers, and voters). Our approach will increase community engagement and improve contribution quality by providing a complete framework and onboarding process to Deep Funding and help effectively transition the decentralization of decision power from the founding entity to the community.
Our Solution
Launching the DeepFunding Academy
Phase 1: Genesis
For the DeepFunding Project to flourish, we actively incentivize all its participants' highest-quality contributions. The DeepFunding Academy engages contributors, cultivates relevant and necessary skill sets and seamlessly onboards them to the DeepFunding process, whatever role they choose. This approach enhances contributor impact on the process as a whole.
In its initial phase (i.e., Genesis phase), we focus on setting up the basic project structure and processes necessary for total operational capacity as the project develops. This setup includes:
Core team operations and project management.
Learning management system (LMS) implementation.
Train the trainers - Developing PBL capability
Educational content design and creation.
Course and online workshop execution.
Genesis phase completion & lessons learned report.
Let's examine what we aim to do in this initial genesis phase
1. Core team operations and project management.
Each Project stands and falls with its team, therefore we already started multiple discussions with best matching partners and collaborators, ensuring that the DeepFunding Academy has a strong core team to rely on, for the initial setup as well as for further developments and enhancements. While this proposal focuses on the basic setup, we will surely include additional functionalities and enhancements as the project evolves and matures. It is important to mention that we aim to develop the DeepFunding Academy step by step, parallel to the overall DeepFunding evolution and progress.
At this initial phase we will focus on a series of team meetings to get everyone to action, to set up project management, processes and everything for the project to be fully operational and to go to work and action.
2. LMS implementation.
Our solution entails the implementation of a project-based learning (PBL) platform tailored to onboard community members into the Deep Funding process. This platform will serve as a comprehensive educational resource, guiding community members to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to participate in this initiative successfully.
The Andamio platform user interface will provide:
Ability to connect a Web3 wallet.
Ability to mint a DF Academy contributor token on the Cardano blockchain.
Unlock specific token-gated content and spaces with the contributor token.
The contributor token provides an on-chain record of achievements and engagement.
To ensure transparency of skills acquired, we will establish an on-chain tracking system that registers and records participant accomplishments, incentivizing continued engagement with the Deep Funding process.
We will attract a broader range of community members to participate in Deep Funding by providing an accessible, user-friendly platform with an automated compensation system. This approach will enhance the diversity of perspectives, improve the quality of proposals, and contribute to the growth and sustainability of the Cardano ecosystem. Our proposed solution addresses the need for efficient onboarding to Deep Funding.
In future phases of the DeepFunding Academy, we plan to address the best implementation and use cases for AI and LM tools to enhance the Andamio Platform at DeepFunding Academy further.
3. Train the trainers - Developing PBL capacity.
It is crucial to generate the capacity of the Academy to scale in the future. This stage will empower the broader community to contribute to and participate in the DeepFunding Academy project as it grows and evolves along with the DeepFunding project itself. Participants trained as PBL educators will contribute to this and later iterations of the Academy, designing and creating PBL content to educate participants in the different aspects of the DeepFunding process. Later on, this capacity will allow DeepFunding Academy to diversify to offer PBL programs in other areas where onboarding to the Singularity ecosystem is crucial.
4. PBL educational content design & creation.
In the Genesis phase of this proposal, we focus on setting up 3 modules on the Andamio platform. These modules include documentation and live online workshops available to anyone interested in joining.
Our Project-based learning (PBL) approach sets us apart from traditional educational resources. PBL is a teaching and learning methodology that focuses on fostering profound understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through the completion of real-world projects. This approach shifts the traditional classroom dynamic by placing students as active participants and problem solvers rather than passive recipients of information. In PBL, students engage in inquiry, investigation, and collaboration to address complex questions or challenges.
The main objective at this project stage is to bootstrap the first series of lessons. Hands-on knowledge and insights generated by the participation of the DeepFunding community will drive further development of content for the Academy.
DeepFunding Academy Phase #1 modules consist of:
A series of student learning targets define each lesson's learning objective.
Mastery-based assessments where learners demonstrate mastery of the relevant subject matter.
Live workshops where a facilitator promotes learning by inquiry and discovery to cultivate a sense of community, deep learning, communication, and collaboration.
The following figure provides a high-level overview of the PBL process. You can find more information about PBL methodology here:
, and examples of PBL live workshop sessions here:
Fig 1. The PBL Framework. A high overview description of a PBL module.
5. Course and online workshop execution.
Documentation for each module is provided on the Andamio platform for asynchronous learning. This content is provided both in written and video format as necessary, you can see an example here
Live online workshops are provided as 90-minute weekly Zoom sessions open to the public where participants discuss lesson content and questions and then propose and decide on answers through group consensus. All events will be recorded and made available to the public.
The content covered by the 3 initial modules is:
6. Genesis phase completion & lessons learned report.
Genesis phase close-out report which includes the collection and analysis of user feedback as well as insights and lessons learned from the implementation and execution process to inform further development and improvement.
Marketing Strategy
Our marketing campaign strategy includes
The main objectives of this campaign will be:
1. Market research and definition of consumer segment
Carry out research within the Cardano community to determine:
- Awareness of SingularityNET and DeepFunding project
- Current funding pain points from the community
2. Create awareness of DeepFunding Academy and the DeepFunding project
Use existing social media channels as well as paid advertising to:
- Promote two AMA style sessions on Zoom to showcase the DeepFunding Academy
- Position the DeepFunding project as a viable funding alternative for relevant AI and blockchain projects.
3. Register interested participants in the DeepFunding Academy program.
Our Project Milestones and Cost Breakdown
Milestone # 1 | October 2023
Description: Initiating a core team operations and project management
Deliverable: An initiated, aligned and fully operational Team & Project
Budget: 0 USD (covered by project management budget)
Milestone # 2 | October 2023
Description: Deploy Andamio LMS instance for Deep Funding Academy
Deliverable: Implemented Andamio instance at the DeepFunding Academy
Budget: 7,015 USD
Milestone # 3 | November 2023
Description: Train the trainers - Developing PBL capacity
Deliverable: Core PBL design & education team
Budget: 5,500 USD
Milestone # 4 | December 2023
Description: Design and creation of educational content
Deliverable: PBL content for Onboarding, Building Background Knowledge and Specialization modules.
Budget: 11,000 USD
Milestone # 5 | December 2023
Description: Marketing and promotion of Deep Funding Academy program Deliverable: Marketing and promotion report
Budget: 1,450 USD
Milestone # 6 | December 2023 - February 2024
Description: Delivery of Deep Funding Academy program and online workshops
Deliverable: Documentation for Onboarding, Building Background Knowledge and Specialization modules published on Andamio instance. 8 - 90 minute live workshops.
Budget: 2,700 USD
Milestone # 7 | February 2024
Description: Genesis phase completion & lessons learned report.
Deliverable: Complete the proposals implementation, conduct a reflection, identify key and best lessons learned, define next steps and further development
Budget: 0 USD (covered by project management budget)
Project management | October 2023 - February 2024
Budget: 8,000 USD
Total budget: 35,665 USD
You can find a detailed version of the budget here:
Risk and Mitigation
Risk #1 - Lack of Community Experts
Currently, there are not many community members with a strong experience and knowledge on project DeepFunding and we may lack community capacity to educate a larger number of people & projects seeking guidance and support.
There is no simple way to mitigate this risk else than starting the DF Academy right now and making sure that we have more trained community experts in future Funding Rounds
Risk#2 - Complex Coordinations
As we have multiple groups and projects involved and many moving parts & pieces, there is a risk of losing track and oversight of overall operations which can lead to ineffective implementations.
We mitigate this risk by having SWARM and Bridge Builders and their experience of coordinating and facilitating large groups, objectives and areas and to ensure effective communications and coordination towards effective and successful implementations.
Voluntary Revenue
This proposal aims to provide free learning courses and workshops to the DeepFunding community, therefore we won't be able to bring financial revenue to the DeepFunding Platform.
Open Source
Our proposal will be 100% open source.
Our Team
Our Network of Collaborators:
Andamio by Gimbalabs
The Andamio team is a unique blend of strong developers, project managers, and business experts working together in the Cardano ecosystem for over two years. With their roots in Gimbalabs, a project deeply involved in the growth of Cardano, they share common values and goals, forming a dedicated and cohesive team. Over the past six months, they have diligently bootstrapped the Andamio platform as an open-source solution to address the challenges and pain points identified throughout their engagement with the Cardano community, where they have gathered valuable insights and collaborated with numerous learners and organizations.
The work done to create Andamio is not only grounded on the continuous, diligent work of the Gimbalabs organization; it is the product of months of non-remunerated work by professionals who recognize the value of this solution. After six months of rigorous testing, we can offer an open-source software development kit (SDK), ready to be developed into a platform that any Cardano organization can leverage.
You can find more detailed information about our team
PBL Design Team
James Dunseith
Teacher, Coach, Smart Contract Developer and Facilitator
Sebastian Pabon
Social Entrepreneur and Educator
Software Engineering Team
HongJing (Jingles) K
Innovative Solutions Developer
Nelson Kshetrimayum
Software Engineer
Juan Salvador Magán Valero
Software Engineer
Smart Contract Design Team
M.Ali Modiri
Smart Contract Developer
Adrian Hüetter
Smart Contract Developer
Business Strategy and Product Development Team
Roberto Mayen-Hess
Business and Innovation Manager
Yoram Ben Zvi
Business Models Lead
Nori Nishigaya
Software Development Expert
Community Building and Engagement Team
Sebastian Pabon
Nori Nishigaya
Project Management
James Dunseith
Roberto Mayen
Partnerships and go to market
Roberto Mayen
Yoram Ben Zvi
SWARM is a network of doers and visionaries with a strong track record in the Cardano and SingularityNet ecosystem.
Swarm has been pivotal in building and supporting the SNET Ambassadors Program and in DeepFunding initiatives such as the DeepFunding Town Hall, IdeaFest in DFR2 and the initiation of the DeepFunding Academy itself. Swarm's role is to coordinate and facilitate the overall operations and success of the Academy, making sure everyone has what they need, when they need. Furthermore, as Swarm is a permanent key contributor at DeepFunding since DeepFunding inception and has built up quite some expertise, we will provide insights and knowledge to create the LMS Modules and lessons, ensuring that provided courses provide a high quality and nicely match to the DeepFunding ecosystem and community.
Project & Community Operations
Felix Weber.
Tevo Saks
Furthermore we will look for active collaborations with the SingularityNET Ambassadors program and to seek advice and help in the setup of the DeepFunding Academy in getting up marketing material and to align with general navigation from DeepFunding Towards the SingComDAO. We also seek to align and coordinate closely with the SingularityNET Foundation and the DeepFunding Team which will help the Academy to fit well into SNETs vision and mission.
All together, this collaborative team brings together all needed skills, experiences and knowledge to ensure a high quality and likelihood of a successful implementation of the proposal.
Related Links
Andamio official website
Plutus PBL - Beta version of the Andamio platform
SingularityNET Ambassador Program