Project OwnerProject Coordinator, Research Lead
ConceptForge proposes to investigate novel approaches to concept generation in artificial intelligence through OpenCog Hyperon. Our research will explore the integration of concept blending techniques and formal concept analysis using MeTTa, focusing on how different methodologies can enhance creative concept formation. We aim to evaluate approaches, including fuzzy logic and information-theoretic methods, to understand their effectiveness in generating meaningful new concepts. We aim to develop evaluation frameworks using LLMs to assess concept novelty and coherence.
This RFP seeks proposals that experiment with concept blending techniques and formal concept analysis (including fuzzy and paraconsistent variations) using the MeTTa programming language within OpenCog Hyperon. The goal is to explore methods for generating new concepts from existing data and concepts, and evaluating these processes for creativity and efficiency.
We will be working on a literature review and technical requirements analysis development environment setup and initial architecture design.
We will provide: Research report and technical specification configured MeTTa development environment basic concept representation structure test dataset collection.
$12,000 USD
Our success criteria are: Documented analysis of at least 3 concept blending methods, Working MeTTa environment with Hyperon integration verified, Test dataset covering minimum 100 concept pairs, Basic concept representation able to handle 90% of test cases, Research findings peer-reviewed by technical team.
We will be working on a baseline FCA implementation initial concept blending methods core testing framework development.
We will provide: working FCA implementation in MeTTa basic concept blending prototype comprehensive testing suite integration documentation.
$15,000 USD
Our success criteria are: Successfully blend 80% of test concept pairs, all unit tests passing with 90% coverage, integration with Atomspace verified through test cases Processing time under 2 seconds per concept pair, documentation reviewed and approved.
We will be working on a Fuzzy FCA implementation information-theoretic blending system and evaluation framework development.
We will provide: Advanced concept generation systems LLM-based evaluation framework performance benchmarking tools and technical documentation.
$16,000 USD
Our success criteria are: Successful multi-concept blending for 75% of test cases, LLM evaluation accuracy above 80%, Fuzzy FCA handling uncertainty with 85% accuracy, performance benchmarks showing 30% improvement over baseline, and integration tests passing with 95% success rate.
We will be working on a System optimization final integration testing comprehensive documentation completion.
We will provide: Optimized final system complete documentation package performance analysis report integration guide and research findings publication.
$12,000 USD
Our success criteria are: All test cases passing with 95% success rate, documentation approved by technical review, system processing 1000+ concept pairs per hour Memory usage within specified limits, successful live demonstration of concept generation, research paper draft completed, and integration guide validated by external developer.
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