Milestone Release 1 |
$8,000 USD | Transfer Complete | TBD |
Milestone Release 2 |
$8,000 USD | Transfer Complete | TBD |
Milestone Release 3 |
$9,000 USD | Transfer Complete | 12 Jun 2024 |
We will develop a cloud-based Jupyter Notebook that is connected to the Cardano blockchain for the purpose of AI and Machine Learning. This cloud-based Jupyter Notebook will allow researchers and developers to work with the Cardano blockchain without needing to install a node or any other service to query the blockchain.
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We will implement a running Jupyter notebook in the platform accessible through a cloud-based environment. The Jupyter Notebook IDE can be selected at the moment of creating a workspace as an option to VS Code. This Poc is not yet ready for a release to production but is intended to prove the technical feasibility and complete the required changes in the platform for allowing selection of different IDEs when creating workspaces.
$8,000 USD
At this stage the Jupyter notebook will fully integrated and running within the platform with access to all the Cardano infrastructure and services provided by Demeter. With this milestone completed users should be able to select the Jupyter Notebook as an IDE when creating a new Workspaces. Inside the Jupyter Notebook they should be able to access all the available extensions in Demeter for interfacing with the blockchain in the same way these services are available when creating a VS Code Workspace. The functionalty will be deployed to our staging environment.
$8,000 USD
Documentation on how to access and use the Jupyter notebook interface on Demeter, together with some basic examples on how to query on-chain data. Jupyter notebook will be accessible through the website and used as any other feature in the platform.
$9,000 USD
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