Proposal portal is live!

Author: jan Published: March 28, 2022

Deep Funding Is Now Accepting Proposals – Get Funded Now!

Deep Funding has reached an important milestone. The proposal portal is live, Deep Funding round 1 is officially open for proposals!

Submit your proposal 

Teams and individuals that want to engage with our community, use the publicity opportunities of SingularityNET, and get financial support for their project, can now submit their proposal.
e portal will be open for new proposals for the coming 5 weeks, but the sooner you submit, the more visibility you get and the longer you can receive feedback from our community. 

After submitting your proposal, you can engage with the community on the characteristics of your project. Discuss what should be better explained, more detailed or what elements of your proposal could be improved. 

After 6 weeks (5 weeks + 1 week for a final review of the proposals and preparing the voting portal), the actual voting will occur  in a separate environment, where voters are requested to connect their wallets. On, your submission can be continuously improved between submission and voting. 

Get involved in exciting projects by offering your expertise

Besides the proposal Missions, we also have 2 special ‘Missions’ where project teams can connect and collaborate with community experts.

Project teams can submit their support requests to the community. This can be anything from technical support to marketing, financial, or data cleaning. You can ask for support for an isolated task or search for experts to strengthen your team structurally. 
Similarly, Community Experts can  offer their skills to project teams along with their availability and any other restrictions or opportunities they may have. 

We believe this opens up opportunities for the community to get involved with exciting new projects, while the Project teams can get support from a community that understands blockchain, AI, and the toolset of SingularityNET. 

These support tasks can be voluntary or paid, depending on the scope and nature of the request, the experience level of the experts, and other factors. This can simply be negotiated between the parties involved pragmatically.

Help us to improve Deep Funding itself

Finally, some ‘Missions’ enable community members to give feedback on the portal and Deep Funding itself.  This is the first round of Deep Funding, and while we are very happy with the capabilities that our portal offers, we are also looking forward to further improving it over the rounds to come. Our portal is based on a largely out-of-the-box version of Still, our close collaboration with the team behind Swae will enable us to improve the portal in a direction that is specifically tailored to community-driven programs like Deep Funding.

Similarly, we will be experimenting with the processes around Deep Funding itself. We are looking forward to an exchange of ideas around the basic rules as well as complex matters like proof of reputation, liquid democracy, and incentive structures. 

See you at

The Deep Funding Portal is an essential platform that facilitates crucial processes around our program. Whether you are a team or an individual looking for funding, a community member wanting to get involved in an exciting project, or Deep Funding itself, we are looking forward to seeing you on!

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