As stated at the beginning of this page, the roadmap is not fixed. We will keep an open mind on our tooling and continuously improve it.
Take WordPress as an example: While we don’t expect significant downsides for just publishing information, if we would like to develop more and more functionality on top of it, we might want to evaluate if WordPress is also the best option as a platform to continue to build upon. But in case we would exchange this for another solution, we will still be able to continue with Swae and our voting portal.
For, on the other hand, while we are very enthusiastic about them and their solution, we will test it in public and assess the learnings from that. We will list all desired improvements and evaluate the implementation scope, speed, and quality. While we hope and expect this will turn out to be a great partnership, our ‘best of breed’ approach would still leave us room to deviate from this path with limited impact. We can decide to test another application, or we can move gradually to developing more functionality dedicated to our use cases. (But of course, we prefer to see it succeed!)
Future developments
We already have a long list of ideas that would be cool to develop, like ‘Weighted liquid rank reputation’, Liquid democracy, Wallet login, Project governance tools, and more. Any expertise in the Community on these subjects is very welcome. And, as mentioned above, eventually, I expect to see some of the desired improvements appear as proposals for Deep Funding that we can all give feedback and vote upon.