Active RFP

Evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs

RFP Owner

Evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs

Explore and demonstrate the use of evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs

  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Total RFP Funding $40,000 USD
  • Proposals 7
  • Awarded Projects 1


  • Est. Complexity

    💪 50/ 100

  • Est. Execution Time


  • Proposal Winners

    🏆 Single

  • Max Funding / Proposal


RFP Details

Short summary

Explore and demonstrate the use of evolutionary methods (EMs) for training various DNNs including transformer networks. Such exploration could include using EMs to determine model node weights, and/or using EMs to evolve DNN/LLM architectures. Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) is an example of one very promising evolutionary method among others.

Main purpose

The primary objectives of this EM (Evolutionary Methods) exploration and demonstration RFP are to determine the effectiveness of either or both of the following:

  • EMs for updating node weights;
  • EMs for evolving DNN architectures.

Long description

Context And Background

SingularityNET Foundation, in collaboration with other partners such as the OpenCog Foundation and TrueAGI, is working toward a scalable implementation of the Hyperon AGI framework running on decentralized infrastructure, and toward implementation of the PRIMUS cognitive architecture within this framework.

Hyperon and PRIMUS are complex systems involving multiple components, which need to demonstrate appropriate functionalities both individually and in combination.  

This RFP aims to address a portion of this overall need, via funding the initial iteration of one significant component of PRIMUS within Hyperon: Exploring and Demonstrating the use of evolutionary methods (EMs) such as Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) for training various Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) including transformer networks. 

The primary objectives of this EM exploration and demonstration RFP are to determine the effectiveness of:

  • EMs for updating node weights;
  • EMs for evolving DNN architectures.

Experimental code produced should be wrapped in a Hyperon “Neural Atomspace”, a relatively simple step on which the SingularityNET/Hyperon team can provide guidance.


  • Explore the use of evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the selected algorithms compared to backpropagation for neural net training?  How do these vary based on the network architecture?
  • For what DNN problem domain(s) would the selected evolutionary algorithms likely work best?
  • Evolutionary algorithm strategies for DNNs (e.g. evolution of weights, architectures, both?)


This RFP will be followed by subsequent RFPs for applications that leverage Hyperon/PRIMUS to carry out various applications, and that aim to guide Hyperon/PRIMUS systems in cognitive development toward beneficial AGI

RFP Expected Outcomes

  • Initial deployment of “evolutionary DNNs” in a demonstration “neural Hyperon Atomspace” hosted by SingularityNET 
  • Provision of code underlying the initial deployment in an open code repository with an appropriate OSS license.
  • Provide comprehensive documentation detailing the structure and functionality of the evolutionary DNNs to allow other teams to work with and to work on the evolutionary DNNs.
  • Provide a technical report summarizing experiments run with evolutionary DNNs and results obtained. This should be sufficient to allow others to replicate the work, leveraging the open source code made. The report must include a description of the strengths and weaknesses of each evolutionary DNN, comparisons to standard DNNs, and identification of problem domains in which evolutionary DNNs perform best.

Functional Requirements

Must have

  • Evolutionary methods implementation
    • The solution must demonstrate the application of evolutionary methods to train DNNs, including transformers.
  • Exploration of multiple strategies
    • Must explore evolving node weights and/or evolving DNN architectures.
  • Demonstration of results: The solution must include a practical demonstration of evolutionary DNNs within a Hyperon instance.
  • Comparison and analysis
    • Provide a comparative analysis of evolutionary DNNs versus standard DNNs in at least one problem domain, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and potential applications.

Could have

  • Research could explore coevolutionary methods. For example evolving not just the architecture but also assembling an ensemble of pretrained DNNs to dialog with one another. This could involve anything from mutual fine tuning to soft-prompting to prompting. Changing weights is not necessarily the only way to change a DNN – it could be done by finding the right area of the latent space through dialogue.
  • Consider incorporating LLMs into the evolutionary process, for example, using LLMs for direction and EMs for invention in the architecture.
  • Demonstrate the adaptability of the proposed evolutionary methods across different DNN problem domains.
  • Provide tools or interfaces to visualize the evolutionary process and its impact on DNN performance.

Non-functional Requirements

Programming language

  • The system should be implemented in languages compatible with Hyperon (preferably in MeTTa, but Python, Rust or C++ are also acceptable).


  • The solution should be designed with a focus on modularity and scalability, ensuring that the evolutionary DNNs can be scaled up for more complex tasks or integrated into larger systems.

Modularity and extensibility

  • Consider designing to allow for easy modification and extension, enabling future researchers to build upon the initial work without extensive re-engineering.


  • Provide comprehensive documentation, including detailed instructions on how to replicate the experiments, modify the DNNs, and integrate the solution with other systems. The documentation should be clear enough for use by developers who may not be familiar with the specific evolutionary methods employed. Codebase should be clean, well-documented, and organized to facilitate maintenance and updates.

Main evaluation criteria

Alignment with requirements and objective

  • Does the proposal meet the requirements and advances the objectives of the RFP

Pre-existing R&D

  • Has the team previously done similar or related research or development work in other platforms / languages / contexts?

Team competence

  • Does the team have relevant skills?


  • Does the proposal offer good value for money?


  • Does the proposal include a set of clearly defined milestones?

Other resources

  • SingularityNET technology links
  • Educational materials and resources for learning MeTTa
  • SingularityNET holds MeTTa study group calls every other week. Proposers are welcome to attend for support from our researchers and community.
  • Recurring Hyperon study group calls for community are currently being planned. These will cover MOSES, ECAN, PLN, and other key components of the OpenCog and PRIMUS Hyperon cognitive architectures.
  • Access to the SingularityNET World Mattermost server, with a dedicated channel for discussion and support among the RFP-winning teams and SingularityNET resources.

RFP Status

Completed & Awarded

The community and public are invited to view the full proposals and give feedback. During this time the RFP committee will doing their formal selection process to award winning proposals.

View Awarded Projects
7 proposals

GENESIS: Generative Evolutionary Neural Strategy

  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Funding Request n/a
  • RFP Guidelines Evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs
Dec. 3, 2024

EA for training transformers and other DNNs

  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Funding Request n/a
  • RFP Guidelines Evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs
Bhaskar Tripathi
Dec. 7, 2024

Evolving Knowledge Structures

  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Funding Request n/a
  • RFP Guidelines Evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs
Dec. 6, 2024

Multi-objective EAs for LLM multiparameter tuning

  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Funding Request n/a
  • RFP Guidelines Evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs
Luke Mahoney (MLabs)
Dec. 4, 2024

Gamifying Evolutionary Algorithms – Elowyn Game

  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Funding Request n/a
  • RFP Guidelines Evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs
Anneloes Smitsman
Dec. 2, 2024

Evolutionary Algorithms

  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Funding Request n/a
  • RFP Guidelines Evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs
Nov. 5, 2024

Consciousness Light Units and a new Math

  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Funding Request n/a
  • RFP Guidelines Evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs
James Gordon Graham
Dec. 8, 2024
1 Projects

Evolving DNN Architectures

  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Funding Awarded n/a
  • RFP Guidelines Evolutionary algorithms for training transformers and other DNNs
Patrick Nercessian
Nov. 27, 2024

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