Project OwnerMachine learning specialist
A groundbreaking application that integrates LLMs with MeTTa's symbolic reasoning via metta-motto, enabling dynamic, context-aware, and reasoning-driven language interactions for virtual agents in SophiaVerse.
Create educational and/or useful demos using SingularityNET's own MeTTa programming language. This RFP aims at bringing more community adoption of MeTTa and engagement within our ecosystem, and to demonstrate and expand the utility of MeTTa. Researchers must maintain demos for a minimum of one year.
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Develop MeTTa-based natural language to symbolic action translator Implement initial goal decomposition algorithms Create base knowledge representation for agent capabilities Demonstrate basic command understanding and transformation
First prototype of a query-to-action translator
$10,000 USD
Working first prototype of a query-to-action translator
Implement hierarchical goal achievement mechanism Develop reasoning trace generation for action plans Build initial integration with MeTTa-Motto for LLM interaction
More complex scenario prototype with MeTTa-Motto
$7,500 USD
Complex scenario pass
Design agent-to-agent and agent-to-human interaction models Develop multi-agent communication and negotiation mechanisms Create demonstration scenarios showcasing nuanced interactions
Multi-agent communication mechanisms
$7,500 USD
Successful multi-agent task completion
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