Project OwnerAs project owner, I'll oversee development, coordinate team efforts, ensure milestone adherence, and maintain stakeholder communication to deliver a high-quality Cardano MPE implementation.
Socious proposes to develop a robust MultiParty Escrow (MPE) smart contract on Cardano, leveraging our expertise in both EVM-based and Cardano blockchain development. Our team has successfully deployed similar contracts on Milkomeda and Cardano. This project aims to create a secure, efficient payment channel system for SingularityNET's AI Platform, optimized for Cardano's EUTxO model and native tokens. Our solution will ensure streamlined payments for AI services within the SingularityNET ecosystem. Our expertise positions us to deliver a high-quality MPE system that adheres to best practices and Cardano's requirements, facilitating seamless integration for developers and users.
The MultiParty Escrow (MPE) smart contract is a critical component of the SingularityNET platform's integration with the Cardano blockchain. Designed to manage payment channels within SingularityNET’s Decentralized AI Platform and AI Marketplace, this contract enables secure, decentralized transactions between clients and AI service providers. By leveraging Cardano’s Extended UTxO (EUTxO) model, this solution facilitates efficient and trustworthy interactions, ensuring streamlined payments for AI services.
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Design the overall architecture of the Cardano-based MultiParty Escrow (MPE) smart contract. Define contract structure identify key components and plan implementation strategy to align with SingularityNET platform requirements. Timeline: Month 1
- Detailed technical specification document - Architecture diagrams - Initial smart contract skeleton in Aiken - Test plan outline - Integration plan with SingularityNET platform
$10,000 USD
Implement core functionalities of the MPE smart contract including channel creation fund locking and basic claiming mechanisms. Ensure compatibility with AI service transactions on SingularityNET. Timeline: Month 2
- Implemented channel creation and management functions - Fund locking mechanism - Basic claiming process for AI service transactions - Unit tests for core functionalities - Initial documentation for developers - Progress report on integration with SingularityNET platform
$15,000 USD
Implement advanced features such as multi-party support signature verification and time-bound channels. Enhance security of the smart contract and ensure compliance with Cardano's Project Catalyst requirements. Timeline: Month 3
- Multi-party support implementation for AI service providers and consumers - Signature verification mechanism - Time-bound channel functionality with extension capability - Updated documentation and usage guidelines
$10,000 USD
Conduct thorough testing perform performance optimization and prepare for deployment on the Cardano network. Finalize integration with SingularityNET platform and ensure compatibility with AI service transactions. Timeline: Month 4
- Comprehensive test suite including integration tests with SingularityNET platform - Deployment-ready smart contract - Final documentation including API references and integration guides - Demo application showcasing the MPE functionality for AI service transactions
$5,000 USD
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© 2025 Deep Funding
Project Owner Dec 10, 2024 | 8:54 AMEdit Comment
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