Luke Mahoney (MLabs)
Project OwnerGrant Manager
OpenCog’s Hyperon framework offers a way to store and process knowledge, a foundational requirement for AGI. In order for this knowledge to be useful, however, it must be retrievable when most relevant, in a process known as Attention Allocation (AA). Economic attention networks (ECANs) provided Attention Allocation for OpenCog classic. While they offer a technique for identifying useful information, they currently lack the ability to always employ the best system for subsequently processing that information.
The goal of this project is to develop a framework to evaluate various approaches to Attention Allocation (AA) within the OpenCog Hyperon and PRIMUS architectures. The AA system dynamically allocates cognitive resources to Atoms in the Distributed Atomspace (DAS), and this framework will help assess AA methods based on desired cognitive dynamics. The framework will improve both Probabilistic Logic Networks (PLN) and evolutionary methods like Meta-Optimizing Semantic Evolutionary Search (MOSES), which are critical components of the PRIMUS architecture.
It is perhaps most vital that atoms of knowledge be correctly identified as “important.” As such for the first milestone of this project we will craft techniques to evaluate whether or not the proposed Attention Allocation system has done so correctly. This “correctness” determination will inform a “scoring” system wherein points are awarded when atoms are correctly given the level of attention they need while points are deducted when atoms are given an incorrect level of attention. This system will allow for custom criteria. For instance in some systems a false positive may be more burdensome than a false negative. Additionally some systems may care only if attention is given or not but others may need to consider levels of attention (such as short term or long term as in ECAN).
A white paper section describing how we judge and score correctness of atom attention allocation
$10,000 USD
1. The scoring system gives a meaningful judgement on how well the atoms were selected for attention 2. The scoring system can be adjusted to meet the needs of the particular use case
Next we must determine how well the proposed Attention Allocation system distributes tasks among the various algorithms it has access to. We will start by analyzing scenarios where it is known what the desired task distribution is. Once we have done so we will be able to create an objective scoring system that evaluates the efficacy of the task distribution. As before this system must also be adaptable to the given system’s needs and requirements.
A white paper section describing how we judge and score correctness of atom attention allocation.
$15,000 USD
1. The scoring system gives a meaningful judgement on how correct the attention allocation system was in determining which algorithm fit the given data 2. The scoring system can be adjusted to meet the needs of the particular use case
At this point the most important parts of the paper and framework will be completed. We will wrap up the project by combining our findings into one cohesive paper wherein we describe our conclusions and what additional work may be done.
A final paper describing Sherlock - the attention allocation framework.
$5,000 USD
We present our research and synthesize meaningful conclusions that help lay the groundwork for the development of attention allocation mechanisms
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