Luke Mahoney (MLabs)
Project OwnerGrant Manager
Bayesian Networks are a powerful tool for representing probabilistic models as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). In this model, each node represents a variable (a true/false event or observation), and each edge represents a conditional dependency (e.g. an edge from A to B may indicate that the status of A has an influence over the probability that B is true). Bayesian networks allow us to determine, given a set of variables whose status is known, the probability that the other variables are true or false. We propose to implement a reusable process for representing Bayesian Networks as Atomspaces in MeTTa, and demonstrate how the MeTTa implementation can be used for inference on the network.
Create educational and/or useful demos using SingularityNET's own MeTTa programming language. This RFP aims at bringing more community adoption of MeTTa and engagement within our ecosystem, and to demonstrate and expand the utility of MeTTa. Researchers must maintain demos for a minimum of one year.
In this milestone we will begin by crafting simple Bayesian networks and solving them with MeTTa. This will effectively form a “test suite” for our generating demo. Formulas and functions for solving Bayesian networks are well known and established.
A framework for solving the probabilities of unknown variables in a Bayesian network with simple Bayes networks that can serve as tests.
$12,500 USD
1. The test examples are successfully solved by the provided Bayesian network solver 2. The code is clean and easy to understand, with many comments explaining the logic behind what is going on
MeTTa’s Atomspace is a powerful tool for enumerating relationships between objects. This makes it perfect for expressing the random variables of a Bayesian network and their causal dependencies. For this milestone we will write software to generate Bayesian networks via the Python library pgmpy and re-express them as MeTTa documents. These documents can then be used in conjunction with the library from milestone 1 to solve large scale networks.
Programmatically express an inferred Bayesian network in the MeTTa language.
$7,500 USD
1. Complex Bayesian networks are produced by a Python program 2. The networks are re-expressed as MeTTa Atomspaces
Finally we will use the tools listed above to generate automatically a number of networks that could be used as demos for MeTTa. Additionally the tools we create will be made in such a way that anyone can generate networks if they like.
A number of Bayesian networks generated for use as demos.
$5,000 USD
1. The networks generated are interesting use cases, either solving interesting problems, or providing interesting solutions 2. The networks generated are good examples of MeTTa code 3. The library as a whole shows how MeTTa can be used to represent and process complex networks of information
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