Long Description
Company Name
Machine learning and artificial intelligence applications are being rapidly developed to aid in the detection of medical conditions. However, efforts are often hindered by the lack of available data sets on which to train algorithms, in particular data sets involving the human vision system. We contribute to the processes and goals around Deep Funding Round 3 with this Ideation Pool proposal which seeks funding to produce a future New Project Pool proposal dedicated to generating and marketing as a service image libraries for diseases impacting the human vision system and to develop classifiers for these diseases.
We will build a development team across three continents (Africa, Asia, and North America), supporting talent development at three separate universities. This proposal contributes to the SNET goals for the creation of a democratic, decentralized, beneficial AGI by building an international team focused on image and video processing techniques as applied to medical applications in a low cost environment. The associated New Project Pool proposal in Round 4 will enable communication between AI services through SingularityNET’s APIs and AI-DSL.
Collaboration and inclusion are at the forefront of this effort as we will bring together researchers from Cameroon, VIT India, and SUNY Poly USA. We will also work with interested parties within the SNET community as we develop the Round 4 New Project Pool proposal to find talented programmers with a keen interest in advancing low cost medical applications that benefit communities around the world.
Funding Amount
The Problem to be Solved
As machine learning and artificial intelligence applications are developed to diagnose medical conditions, in particular those involving the human vision system, efforts are hindered by the lack of available data sets on which to train algorithms.
Our Solution
Photrek is keenly engaged in commercial grade data generation, with recent successes in image and video processing, and sees this as a natural area of application. This Deep Fund 3 Ideation Pool project will
work with the extensive professional networks of Photrek’s team to build a research and development team across three continents, supporting talent development at three separate universities.
In this phase 3 project we perform an extensive literature review to determine which data sets are most acutely needed, but initial exploration indicates that Loiasis is a good place to start. It is a condition that
and lacks good libraries of image data for training classifiers.
- We position this team to submit a Phase 4 New Project Pool proposal and outline the tasks needed to generate databases of relevant medical image libraries that will be made available on the SNET Marketplace.
- We will outline the tasks supporting a user’s ability to upload an ocular image to an app on the SNET Marketplace and receive a probability of disease incidence for a condition such as Loiasis. .
Marketing Strategy
As part of a National Science Foundation ICorps program at Cornell University, Principal Investigator Thistleton and Photrek President Nelson conducted an extensive set of interviews with key leaders across several industries. Our market research included determining what factors were chiefly responsible for lack of progress in their work. A key factor emerging in a strong majority of cases was lack of quality data sets to train algorithms. We will work with our medical colleagues to find target communities and researchers in the field of medical image processing.
Our Project Milestones and Cost Breakdown
There is a single milestone for this effort: the writing of a New Project proposal available for submission in the next round of SingularityNET Deep Funding. The work supported in this Ideation Pool Proposal will ensure a realistic, market driven set of tasks for the new project. We anticipate a 2 month time frame for this work.
Task |
Budget |
Project Percent |
Research, Literature Review, and Project Focus |
$1500 |
30% |
Specification of Future Project |
$2000 |
40% |
Proposal Development |
$1500 |
30% |
Total |
$5000 |
100% |
Our Team
William Thistleton, PhD, Assoc Professor of Mathematics at SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Senior Scientist, Photrek
Project Roles: Principal Investigator, Theoretical Development, Future Product Specification
Associate Professor of Mathematics, teaching classes in Analysis, Probability, Statistics, Design of Experiments, and Data Science.
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer. SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador.
Research and Consulting in Machine Learning, Quantum Annealing, Data Science.
Develops and delivers workshops for teachers, employees, and students.
S. Pitchumani Angayarkanni, Professor VIT Bangalore
Project Roles:Co-Investigator, Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer, Medical Imaging Analyst
Professor ICER, VIT Bangalore, teaching subjects in R Programming, Probability and Statistics, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Visualization, Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
Member of the Research Team Experteze, USA.
Research Associate at Wayne State University: Students’ Ideas App (SIA): Machine learning for “What, Where, Why and How of Science”.
Meghan Hess, Photrek
Project Roles: Proposal Editor
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