NeuroX Labs
Project OwnerManage the HyperonGen project, applying expertise in FCA and concept blending, ensuring collaboration, creativity, documentation, and meeting milestones within budget.
This project aims to develop advanced concept creation techniques within OpenCog Hyperon using MeTTa. By implementing formal concept analysis (FCA) methods, including fuzzy and paraconsistent variations, alongside concept blending, we will create algorithms that generate novel, meaningful concepts. These concepts will be evaluated for creativity and coherence through both human and machine-based assessments, leveraging tools like large language models (LLMs). The project enhances Hyperon’s cognitive synergy, supporting AGI development by refining concept formation processes and integrating them into Hyperon’s Distributed Atomspace.
This RFP seeks proposals that experiment with concept blending techniques and formal concept analysis (including fuzzy and paraconsistent variations) using the MeTTa programming language within OpenCog Hyperon. The goal is to explore methods for generating new concepts from existing data and concepts, and evaluating these processes for creativity and efficiency.
Setting up the MeTTa environment and defining the core parameters for algorithm development. This stage involves configuring software researching necessary tools and drafting initial planning documentation.
Fully functional MeTTa environment clear project roadmap defined project parameters and data structure.
$5,000 USD
The environment is fully functional, with all the necessary components for algorithm development in place.
Implementing the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and concept blending algorithms ensuring they align with the project’s goals of generating novel concepts.
Functional FCA and concept blending algorithms initial testing results and performance evaluation reports
$12,000 USD
Algorithms are developed, tested for functionality, and produce meaningful outputs according to predefined criteria
Design and integrate both human and machine-based evaluation methods including LLM tools to assess the creativity and coherence of generated concepts.
A robust evaluation framework with tools for human and machine assessments and a preliminary evaluation of concept generation.
$8,000 USD
A functioning creativity evaluation system that gathers feedback from both human and machine assessments, with positive early-stage results.
Integrating the generated concepts into Hyperon’s Distributed Atomspace and demonstrating their real-world use through integration and test cases.
Full integration of concepts into Hyperon including demonstration use cases that show the value of these new abstractions
$10,000 USD
Concepts are successfully integrated into Hyperon, and use cases are developed and tested successfully
Finalizing comprehensive documentation for the algorithms evaluation framework and integration process. This includes developing APIs for future users to extend and use the tools created.
Final documentation (including user guides technical documentation) API for further development.
$5,000 USD
All documentation and APIs are complete, user-friendly, and provide clear instructions on how to extend the system.
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