Anneloes Smitsman
Project OwnerDr. Anneloes Smitsman has a doctorate in Systems Science and Sustainability from Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Founder @ CEO of EARTHwise Centre, architect of Elowyn: Quest of Time game.
This proposal seeks funding to advance the Moloch AI system in the web3 Elowyn: Quest of Time game, in collaboration with SingularityNET. By gamifying evolutionary algorithms, the project trains Transformers and DNNs that can enhance Hyperon’s PRIMUS cognitive architecture. It explores and demonstrates the effectiveness of EMs for: 1) updating node weights of multi-model DNNs to create adaptive, context-aware benevolent AI, and 2) evolving DNN architectures to optimize the Moloch and Elowyn Tree AIs' dynamic challenges, incentivizing a shift from competitive to collaborative play. Elowyn also serves as a cutting-edge AGI development sandbox in support of SingularityNET's goals.
Explore and demonstrate the use of evolutionary methods (EMs) for training various DNNs including transformer networks. Such exploration could include using EMs to determine model node weights, and/or using EMs to evolve DNN/LLM architectures. Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) is an example of one very promising evolutionary method among others.
Develop and set up the API Key integration and server capabilities for connecting the basic behavioral tree AI inside the CCG game-build with the external AI models for the Moloch AI and Elowyn Tree AI.
API Key has been set up and integrated within the game build so that the interface for the in-put and out-put data of the gameplay functions appropriately. This will be done through an open-source implementation of evolutionary DNNs hosted on a public repository with an appropriate OSS license. Time estimate: 1 month.
$10,000 USD
API Key integration functions well and AI server has been set up so that training of the EMs for the Moloch and the Elowyn Tree AIs can start. Any model can be connected as long as it follows proper input-output constraints as documented.
Create a working model of the Moloch AI (DNN) that demonstrates the practical applications of evolutionary AI in gaming. Further we couple the evolution model directly to the objectives of the DNN to generate more a complex system capable of emergent strategic behavior.
Functional code with a tested working model of the Moloch AI (DNN) that showcases the practical application of evolutionary AI in gaming. Ensure that the EM of the Moloch AI can be readily implemented in the Hyperon core architecture. Time estimate: 4 months.
$20,000 USD
The EM of the Moloch AI is functioning and can be tested within the Hyperon architecture through an open-source implementation of an evolutionary DNN, hosted on a public repository with an appropriate OSS license.
Create a working model of the Elowyn Tree AI (LLMs) that demonstrates the practical applications of evolutionary AI in gaming and how it can guide the evolution of the EM of the Moloch AI.
Functional code with a tested working model of the Elowy Tree AI (LLMs) that showcases the practical applications of evolutionary AI in gaming. Ensure that the EM of the Elowyn Tree AI can be readily implemented in the Hyperon core architecture. Time estimate: 2 months.
$5,000 USD
The EM of the Elowyn Tree AI is functioning and can be tested compared to traditional LLM output evaluation and context management through an open-source implementation of evolutionary DNNs, hosted on a public repository with an appropriate OSS license.
Create a comprehensive guide and technical report that explains the experiments so they can be replicated for other AI approaches and include a summary of the evaluation and testing of the EMs that are developed through the project.
1. Provide a comprehensive guide for replicating experiments modifying DNNs and implementing other AI approaches including research results of evaluation and testing Time estimate: 1 month. 2. Provide a Technical Report: Detailed analysis of the evolutionary methods used including strengths weaknesses and comparative results with standard DNNs. Time estimate: 1 month.
$5,000 USD
A comprehensive research guide and technical report have been created, with a focus on replicability and integration within the core architecture of Hyperon. In particular, the usefulness of applying the genetic algorithm to a massive DNN, using a multi-model approach.
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