Project OwnerPrincipal investigator. Will conduct research, design new evolutionary algorithms, and develop and test demonstrable capabilities.
The best use of the evolutionary process is to reward and evolve meaningful structure within complex systems. The proposed research will explore the development of new evolutionary processes for evolving DNNs with intrinsic functional and semantic decomposition. This will support rapid development of novel DNN architectures that are composable, extensible and able to be grounded to the real world, while being naturally transparent rather than opaque.
Explore and demonstrate the use of evolutionary methods (EMs) for training various DNNs including transformer networks. Such exploration could include using EMs to determine model node weights, and/or using EMs to evolve DNN/LLM architectures. Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) is an example of one very promising evolutionary method among others.
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The interim report will present the results of the research conducted and methods developed with a focus on evolving architecture.
Report on progress
$20,000 USD
Show clear translation of research concepts into MeTTa, with results from preliminary experiments demonstrating feasibility of operators for decomposition and composition of DNNs and leveraging prior training.
Final report and associated demonstration summarizing the research performed with an additional emphasis compared to the first milestone on localized evolution of network weights and the exploration of grounding methods
Report and demonstration of working code performing evolution of DNN within Hyperon.
$20,000 USD
Evolutionary process within Hyperon shows tangible benefits in either evolution of architecture or localized evolution of weights, ideally in both. Establish potential feasibility of grounding methods, though prototyping and testing of semantic grounding are out of scope due to computational resources required.
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