Milestone Release 1 |
$5,000 USD | Transfer Complete | TBD |
Milestone Release 2 |
$3,000 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 3 |
$12,000 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 4 |
$12,000 USD | Pending | TBD |
Milestone Release 5 |
$8,000 USD | Pending | TBD |
Focusing entirely on milestone 3 of the related G3P project.
This project uses grammar-guided genetic programming to automatically search for robust and creative trading strategies on user-defined markets, indicators, metrics and external timeseries data from predictive models, fundamental analysis or elsewhere. The main challenge in the design of trading strategies is not the automated search process, although an advanced one will be used here, but rather the design and implemention of a proper backtesting approach to evaluate candidate strategies that avoids common pitfalls such as overfitting to the provided data or optimizing the wrong goal. This challenge will be tackled by in-depth literature research about state-of-the-art statistical evaluation techniques and review of existing backtesting libraries. Consequently, the search itself will be tuned by initially developing simple and then increasingly advanced grammars that define different search spaces of candidate trading strategies.
Both 1) the evaluation method for candidate strategies and 2) the grammars for defining suitable spaces of candidate strategies will be integrated into an open-source software package and distributed via GitHub and PyPI. Based on this package, a service will be developed for SingularityNET's AI platform, where users can provide data plus various preferences to the algorithm and it will return evolved trading strategies that perform well on historical data and have a reasonably high chance to actually perform similarly well on live markets. These strategies can then be used either for manual trading or as part of an automated trading system, which involves further aspects such as portfolio management and position sizing for multiple strategies. When the markets undergo a regime change after some time, the strategies can easily be adapted by making use of the service again.
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Contract signed
$5,000 USD
Review of literature and backtesting libraries, design of search spaces and objective functions summarized in a written document
$3,000 USD
Release of v0.1.0 on GitHub with objective function and preliminary grammars
$12,000 USD
Release of v0.2.0 on GitHub and PyPI with refined grammars, consistent parameterization and testing suite
$12,000 USD
Release of v1.0.0 on GitHub and PyPI with frozen API. Documentation website. AI Service and its donation to SNET.
$8,000 USD
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