RFP Proposals
Expert Rating 2.0
Project Owner


Expert Rating



The key to unlocking mainstream adoption of AGI-specific hardware will be through its accessibility to the “maker” community. Today’s most popular SoMs are Raspberry Pi and Arduino, neither of which have top-of-the-line chips inside. They enjoy a high level of adoption due to the "Developer Experience". This proposal introduces a new form factor, Module-on-Footprint (MoF), and a specific application: homemade robot arms. We recently participated in a hackathon arranged by Hugging Face, where RL was deployed on 3D-printed robot arms. The outcome of this proposal is the design of an MoF, tailored to modern maker development processes, equipped with a chip from Taalas, Blumind or Tenstorrent.

RFP Guidelines

AGI related hardware

Complete & Awarded
  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Total RFP Funding $80,000 USD
  • Proposals 5
  • Awarded Projects 1
Oct. 4, 2024

This RFP seeks to explore and evaluate innovative hardware paradigms, ranging from small-scale IoT devices to large, decentralized systems, to optimize AGI workloads in the OpenCog Hyperon framework and handle advanced processes such as cognitive synergy and hyperdimensional computing. The focus is on assessing hardware paradigms and emerging architectures (e.g. neuromorphic processors, associative processors such as TensTorrent’s APU, etc). The goal is to enhance computational efficiency, scalability, and cognitive synergy in AGI systems. Part of this should involve interacting with the Hyperon team who've built the existing and in-development MeTTa interpreters.

Proposal Description

Company Name (if applicable)


Project details

Our approach comprises rigorous research and collaboration with chip manufacturers, including Blumind, Telaas, and Tenstorrent, to identify and adapt a chip suitable for an MoF. Compatibility requirements such as thermal management, energy efficiency, and developer experience will be explored. A partnership with STIM Canada will validate the design's manufacturability, while open-sourcing the hardware design ensures widespread adoption and collaborative innovation.

The project culminates in the integration of the MoF with the Hugging Face LeRobot project, demonstrating its capabilities in real-world applications and fostering adoption within the maker community. By combining AGI technology with maker-friendly tools, this project not only promotes AGI hardware development but also lays the groundwork for its adoption among innovators and developers globally.

Links and references

LeRobot Participation:

Letter of Intent from Raymond Chik, through whom we have local access to Blumind, Taalas and Tenstorrent:

Experience bringing hardware to market:

Pitch Deck:

Our Website:

Additional videos

Module-on-Footprint 2 minutes demo:

LeRobot Arm stacking cubes:

Proposal Video

Not Avaliable Yet

Check back later during the Feedback & Selection period for the RFP that is proposal is applied to.

  • Total Milestones


  • Total Budget

    $80,000 USD

  • Last Updated

    7 Dec 2024

Milestone 1 - Preliminary study of the potential chips


For each chip, with initial candidates being Blumind, Telaas and Tenstorren, the following steps: •Assess compatibility with MoF form, pen down specific requirements like thermal, low-power, module size, etc. • Explore current developer experience and community adoption • We are Toronto based thus have local access to all three initial candidates • Get warm intros and set up meetings with chip manufacturers through Raymond Chik This discovery phase will also explore if there are options in the market other than the 3 currently identified (e.g. if Untether AI is also an option) and go through the same steps if applicable.


Compile the findings and meeting minutes in a report, pros and cons of each option, ranking the options accordingly.


$20,000 USD

Success Criterion

At least one chip identified as suitable for adoption in an MoF form.

Milestone 2 - Feasibility study of the top two options


Milestone Description • Acquire samples of the chips to conduct experiments (contingent on chip maker supplying samples) • Further explore the developer tooling around each option • Contact a client from each platform and enquire about their experience • Start studying how each each chip can be integrated with MeTTa • Cross reference own findings with MeTTa team


The candidate chip is finalized and confirmed by MeTTa team after studying Milestone 2 report.


$20,000 USD

Success Criterion

MeTTa team approves the selected chip.

Milestone 3 - Design MoF in Altium; publish as open source HW


This is the engineering milestone of the project. • Design a system on module in MoF form, equipped with the selected chip • Run the design and manufacturability by our partner in Toronto, STIM Canada • Publish the Altium project on GitHub under MIT License


EdgeAGI MoF v1 design publicly available.


$20,000 USD

Success Criterion

STIM approves manufacturability of the design.

Milestone 4 - Integration with Hugging Face LeRobot project


• Bring Remi Cadence from Hugging Face to the loop, we already established a relationship in the LeRobot hackathon • Define a joint project where our MoF is integrated in a LeRobot Arm build, and through the chip, MeTTa is used to demonstrate reasoning capabilities on edge hardware • Aim to find sponsors for building a prototype batch, to be sent to MeTTa and LeRobot teams Robotic Arm platform by LeRobot (SO-ARM100, at the time of writing): https://github.com/huggingface/lerobot


• Start of the collaboration between the MeTTa and the Hugging Face LeRobot teams • Concise definition and planning for the starting project • Prototypes, contingent on finding a sponsor for the build


$20,000 USD

Success Criterion

A concrete plan is devised for MeTTa enetering the robot maker community.

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Expert Ratings

Reviews & Ratings

Group Expert Rating (Final)



  • Feasibility 2.0
  • Desirabilty 2.7
  • Usefulness 3.7
  • Expert Review 1



    • Compliance with RFP requirements 3.0
    • Solution details and team expertise 2.0
    • Value for money 2.0
    Straight to the hardware manufacture and testing! Lack of theoretical research toward the codebase and interpreters analysis.

    Weakly accept. I like the straightness of the approach, where the team wants to chose multiple chips and run the experiments and find which work better, however I would like to see more research in terms of the MeTTa interpreters and other codebases as only running same codebase on different chips will not suffice. In general the codebase should be modified to benefit from certain architectural design choices of the chip and this research I don't see within the proposal.

  • Expert Review 2



    • Compliance with RFP requirements 1.0
    • Solution details and team expertise 4.0
    • Value for money 5.0
    The proposal is to build a specific (very cool) system rather than to do what the RFP asks for

    Keyvan is great and his project is cool, but it doesn't fit into this RFP really...

  • Expert Review 3



    • Compliance with RFP requirements 2.0
    • Solution details and team expertise 2.0
    • Value for money 4.0

    Interesting discussion of some new ideas but not particularly focused on MeTTa or Hyperon AGI.
