Project OwnerPrincipal investigator. Will conduct the research, develop the motivational framework, show proof-of-concept and write the final report.
Create the framework for defining "drivers" for AGI systems that will explicitly define and provide purpose to our systems and induce them to develop capabilities that address situations intelligently - to not just perform better, but to perform in increasingly intelligent ways. The framework will seek to adopt motivational and assessment methods that are independent of specific AI techniques.
Develop a modular and extensible framework for integrating various motivational systems into AGI architectures, supporting both human-like and alien digital intelligences. This could be done as a highly detailed and precise specification, or as a relatively simple software prototype with suggestions for generalization and extension.
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Preliminary report outlining the basic elements of the motivational framework that may be feasible within Hyperon.
Interim report
$15,000 USD
Well reasoned analysis to tie research to Hyperon.
Final report as well as any proof-of-concept code samples that were created.
Final report outlining the motivational framework within Hyperon as well as roadmap outlining next steps as well as proof-of-concept code samples within MeTTA that were created.
$15,000 USD
Describes motivational framework to sufficient depth and breadth, and in the context of Hyperon, to support eventual full, scalable implementation of a motivational system in future efforts. Proof of concept samples may be very simple, but should show feasibility of future implementation using MeTTA.
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