Tofara Moyo
Project OwnerWriting the code for the application, testing and evauating it and intergrating it with moses.
We plan to have a reinforcement algorithm learn to write comments on the code such as what each part does, its bigO evaluation as well as any other useful information that will help an llm evaluate the candidates using software that is meant to summarize documents for efficient search with search engines. This time the reward will be based on the success of the text in causing the llm to suggest certain children. So given a program the llm must write comments for it that best cause another llm to generate the most successful children. The first llms reward will be the success rate.
This RFP invites proposals to explore the integration of LLMs into the MOSES evolutionary algorithm. Researchers can pursue one of several approaches, including generation modeling, fitness function learning, fitness estimation, investigation into domain-independent “cognitively motivated” fitness functions, or propose new innovative ways to leverage LLMs to enhance MOSES's capabilities within the OpenCog Hyperon framework.
Created the software needed to demonstrate the method
Fully produced software ready for training with no bugs.
$24,000 USD
pipleine runs successfully to completion on sample data
Trained the algorithm to produce code from scratch that it annotates and uses together with the annotations to predict the next generation of code.
Results of comparing standalone method of deploying moses to using our algorithm
$24,000 USD
tabular data showing different metrics comparing our method to standalone moses
demonstrated the software as it will function integrated in with moses as well as tweaked it for better performance
software showing it intergrated with moses
$24,000 USD
showing it operating under the framework of moses.
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