Nassim Dehouche
Project OwnerResearch Development
We propose developing an AI-powered system for automated peer review of bioRxiv preprints using MeTTa. The exponential growth of preprints in computational biology and computer science has created an urgent need for rapid evaluation mechanisms, as these fields evolve too quickly for traditional peer review cycles. Our system will leverage MeTTa's unique capabilities to provide rapid, transparent, and justified assessments of preprint quality and impact.
Create educational and/or useful demos using SingularityNET's own MeTTa programming language. This RFP aims at bringing more community adoption of MeTTa and engagement within our ecosystem, and to demonstrate and expand the utility of MeTTa. Researchers must maintain demos for a minimum of one year.
Develop core MeTTa infrastructure for preprint processing and integrate with BioRxiv API. Set up basic atomspace structure for paper representation.
Working BioRxiv API integration Basic MeTTa infrastructure code Paper representation schema
$6,999 USD
Success Criteria: Successfully import and represent 100 recent bioRxiv papers in MeTTa
Develop core review agents for methods validation statistical analysis and results verification.
Working review agents BioAtomspace integration Initial automated reviews
$6,999 USD
Agents successfully analyze and provide justified reviews for 50 papers
Validate system performance optimize processing speed and implement feedback mechanisms. Compare results with human expert reviews. Create comprehensive documentation tutorials and prepare system for community use. Deploy on Hyperon instance.
Optimized codebase Complete documentation Tutorial materials Deployed system
$6,002 USD
Successful deployment and demonstration of system to SingularityNET team
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