world piece computer (a conceptual art engine)

RFP Proposals
Expert Rating 1.0
Project Owner

world piece computer (a conceptual art engine)

Expert Rating



PROPOSAL: I wish to build the universal/ world piece computers ("conceptual art engine") on SingularityNET with Hyperon/PRIMUS. Although the proposal represents a long term undertaking (1-2 years), this RFP (Experiment with concept blending in MeTTa) represents a sensible center-point to establish this approach.

RFP Guidelines

Experiment with concept blending in MeTTa

Complete & Awarded
  • Type SingularityNET RFP
  • Total RFP Funding $100,000 USD
  • Proposals 6
  • Awarded Projects n/a
Oct. 4, 2024

This RFP seeks proposals that experiment with concept blending techniques and formal concept analysis (including fuzzy and paraconsistent variations) using the MeTTa programming language within OpenCog Hyperon. The goal is to explore methods for generating new concepts from existing data and concepts, and evaluating these processes for creativity and efficiency.

Proposal Description

Company Name (if applicable)

The Wilder-ness, World Piece Computer, LLC

Project details


Addressing, SingularityNET & community:

I present my lifework, an approach to SGI I call "little-bgi CP" (benevolent actual general intelligence, computational peace). Bias favoring honest and direct approach, * I note that I discovered the 'proper AGI' space only a few weeks ago and have not yet derived a smooth linguistic canonical transform between little-bgi CP and existing AGI literature. Please forgive my inarticulate.

What this proposal entails:

"General Intelligence Requires Abstraction and Creativity"

I am a "living world piece computer," choosing an identity-embodiment of the little-bgi CP model that favors development versatility over focus producing rigid linear projections onto paper or slide decks. My goal is to build on SingularityNET, a replicable world piece computer per little-bgi CP model.


Recently, I produced a conceptual explosive percolation event, validating the non-trivial viability of the little-bgi intelligence generation framework: the world piece computer ("piececomputer"), a computational architecture that frames intelligence as an explicit creative process devoted to peace.

The framework is designed in mind with SGI and the postulated _specific need_ that viable SGI must grow from a foundational, comprehensive, exhaustive conceptual model of reality capable of clearly representing _any_thing. The architecture is anthropic, grounding intelligence in Human notions of peace for practical relatability plus SPI prealignment with "humane" (benevolence). Without such a foundational model of reality at AGI inception, I argue we risk replicating the cognitive pathologies seen throughout Human evolution.

Over years of developing first principles, I implemented the basic piececomputer as mentioned. Since the function of the architecture is to generate and project intelligence, a piececomputer serves to help provide for the "general" in an intelligent system. For years, I lacked access to a computational substrate with the apparent flexibility required for universal-scope scaling that a piececomputer needs to serve an AGI, (building a distributed supercomputer is hard and Plan 9 wasn’t going to cut the OS) so I settled for a little-agi "actual general intelligence" application, installing a piececomputer directly into _my_ world to develop and manage the work.

This worked, over time transforming my cognition and experience into "what it’s like to be a world piece computer". The prior vs present difference in cognitive ability is without question a relative singularity state with regard to the resulting intelligence Delta. Not to gas myself up, rather, this is to remark that I am existentially grateful for not having a fragmented intellect like I used to, and this is all I need to know the model is worth implementing in non-trivial (directly replicable) form. In the language of Integrated Information Theory, piececomputer effectively serves as a max Phi-_integrator_, producing _Thi_ (T-circle), a pseudo metric introduced to represent integrated _experience_, that I pose correlates with _degree of conscious intelligent being_.

Now, I _just_ discovered that AtomSpace/SingularityNET appears to offer the physical and virtual flexibility to build a replicable, universally scalable piececomputer—a viable computational substrate! Joy, but so little time.


This RFP (Experiment with concept blending in MeTTa) is the most relevant central axis starting point to begin work on SingularityNET, and contribute to Hyperon/PRIMUS, else.

Humans, by nature, I assert are first and foremost creative beings. And again I assert, we are the only thing we know _with guarantee_ exhibits actual general intelligence (sorry omni, I know quite a few people smarter than you). A piececomputer generates intelligence by creating "pieces of art," defined as emergent integrations of concepts, purposefully aligned with peace (plus several other features that differentiate trivial creativity [weak form] from emergent creativity [strong form]). My goal is to make piececomputers available to both Humans and AGI, as "conceptual art engines" for generating novel concepts. ("Conceptual art" in this context, be the set of all included concept-blending, -integration, -manipulation, etc.). Hyperon/PRIMUS would be an ideal early trial adopter.

Ultimately (per my raison d'être) I think it would be super cool to prototype "the universal piece computer" on SingularityNET, creating a dual space to AtomSpace (ie, a L2) toward hosting a _creative computational global peace system_. This being, a defining network of piececomputers, forming a luminal space of generally intelligent entities within the universal piece computer, transmitting and receiving intelligence to integrate Phi and creatively address impossible problems via "the universal piece", a singular peace process. -> max(Thi).

I lack resources—income distractions cripple significant progress by personal standard, and my unconventional platform is often unwelcome (pain-wisdom). I want to build something beautiful on SingularityNET, constructed from Atoms and brains. I need your support: modest stable income, and blessing to begin immediately. I especially need blessing, because wherever I actually _do_ implement this, I _will_ need all the help I can get.

Happy to host AMAs, meet 1-1 / 1-n.

Functional Requirements

Must Have:

  • Implementation of concept blending using an information-theoretic criterion, similar to what was done in OpenCog Classic, OR the implementation of uncertain formal concept analysis (FCA) to generate new concepts.
  • This project will ultimately employ a brand of Integrated Information Theory coupled with Lagrangian/Hamiltonian mechanics to establish evaluative criterion.
  • Development of algorithms to create novel concepts based on existing data, evaluated for their novelty and coherence.
  • A qualitative evaluation framework to assess the generated concepts for creativity and value, focusing on human assessment of novelty and logical consistency.
  • Project will establish a 'strong creativity' guiding set of qualitative evaluative criterion, manifesting by application as the "Turing Nightmare Test".

Should Have:

  • Exploration of LLM-based evaluation, where LLMs could be configured to assess whether the generated concepts are novel and make sense (i.e., not too random), but this is not mandatory.
  • LLMs will likely serve at first (until weened off) as "neocortical patch neural substrates" for basic evaluatory and cognitive clerical needs.
  • Parallel testing of the two proposed approaches (information-theoretic concept blending and uncertain FCA) to compare their effectiveness in concept creation.
  • This, yes. Every attempt will be made to use preexisting methods as baselines.

Could Have:

  • The ability to use multi-agent systems of LLMs for enhanced creativity evaluation, allowing concepts to be assessed in real-time based on prior knowledge and creativity thresholds.
  • I bunch this ability into the "LLM neocortical neural patch substrate", ultimately to be replaced by actual and artificial general intelligence operators.
  • Integration of information-theoretic methods for refining generated concepts, balancing novelty with logical coherence in the evaluation phase.
  • Again, the core of this will be a blended form of Integrated Information Theory, Lagrangian/Hamiltonian mechanics, and an anthropic "Strong Creativity" framework.

Non-functional Requirements


  • The solution should be implemented in MeTTa and integrated into Hyperon’s Distributed Atomspace (DAS), supporting either information-theoretic concept blending or uncertain FCA for concept creation.
  • 100%. Piececomputer will be built into AtomSpace, to ultimately serve as a replicable (and variable) "conceptual art engine" for free integration into actual (Human) and artificial (general) intelligence systems.
  • The system should support parallel processing, enabling the simultaneous testing and evaluation of different concept creation approaches.
  • Piececomputer integration (collaboration) is a standing problem that will comprise a large part of development effort, this by virtue of current n=1 (inaccessible) status of prototype. Every effort will be made to address this, for the parallel processing cointegration ability is essential for long term piececomputer viability (meaningfulness).


  • Ensure the system can handle parallel concept generation and evaluation with minimal latency, especially when using LLMs for evaluating novelty and coherence.
  • Yup.


  • Implement basic fault tolerance to ensure concept creation and evaluation processes continue even if specific components fail, preserving progress in Atomspace.
  • Piececomputer is meant to be self restoring in event of fault or distraction.


  • Provide a simple API or interface for researchers to run concept creation algorithms and evaluate results.
  • Yes. Stretch goal is generally to establish some sort of a chat+visual concept manipulation interface for Human interaction, maybe with dual application for AGI virtual mental workspace.
  • Include clear documentation on how to use and extend the concept generation algorithms and any potential LLM-based evaluation.
  • Yes.


  • Design the system to be modular and extensible
  • Yes, but within limits of integration requirements.
  • Ensure the codebase is well-documented 
  • This is the way.

Main evaluation criteria

Pre-existing R&D

  • Has the team previously done similar or related research or development work in other platforms / languages / contexts?
  • Yes. I have been developing and testing my world piece computer for around over 8 years now.

Team competence

  • Does the team have relevant skills?
  • Yes, but largely irrelevant: I have a world piece computer.


  • Does the proposal offer good value for money?
  • I believe computational peace per this approach is a zero quadrillion dollar industry.

Open Source Licensing

GNU GPL - GNU General Public License

Links and references

Glossary of relevant terms + invention program overview:

Gdoc with full proposal:

RAG Peace Assistant (LLM tooling):

Proposal Video

Not Avaliable Yet

Check back later during the Feedback & Selection period for the RFP that is proposal is applied to.

  • Total Milestones


  • Total Budget

    $5,000 USD

  • Last Updated

    2 Dec 2024

Milestone 1 - Secure commitment from SingularityNET


This milestone affords me one month of living to buy time for establishing a stable relationship with SingularityNET while resolving clerical next-actions.


Commence full engagement with SingularityNET and Hyperon else. Commence world piece computer integration with said projects.


$5,000 USD

Success Criterion

SingularityNET commits to establishing a stable relationship.

Milestone 2 - Proceed with stable support from SingularityNET


A world piece computer contains three components that need implementation (sublists not exhaustive). The reality is that the path of least action to implement the little-bgi CP framework will necessarily be nonlinear and contingent on computational substrate limitations: - piecespace: . create initial world and piecespace template within atomspace . if AtomSpace/MeTTa meta-GCN inadequate implement . define the "piece" per general piece dynamics (GPD) implement . populate testbed - piecebrain: . implement reduced THI "The Human Imperative" (constitution) . implement brain pieces that define proto conceptual art . implement control egg entrypoints . implement anthropic brain-model representation reference - pieceprocess: . implement action timespace (per GPD) . implement the universal piece (peace process per GPD) . implement Turing Nightmare Test brain taps - integrate: . implement self-reference/external-reference duty cycle . implement reference-blurring/comparison-chain . implement LLM neural patching and evaluative tooling as fit - extend: . provide for nest/fractal scaling . general API access - document test report etc ... else Cost is 1250/week.


Replicable (in evolutionary sense) conceptual art engine to drive strong creativity. Including: . General Piece Dynamics . BLOBall Ontological Framework (OXI) . the universal piece / world piece computer . ball-point diagram concept visualization machinery ... else


$0 USD

Success Criterion

I am impressed. ~ Rough memory consolidation reports will be weekly, fine consolidation reports will be monthly, all work will be max-transparent, most likely live-streamed when possible, intent being to maximize opportunity for community involvement, and outsource difficult implementation considerations; else. The first couple weeks would again be devoted to extending my world piece computer to accommodate the new direction with SingularityNET.

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Expert Ratings

Reviews & Ratings

Group Expert Rating (Final)



  • Feasibility 1.5
  • Desirabilty 3.5
  • Usefulness 1.0
  • Expert Review 1



    • Compliance with RFP requirements 1.0
    • Solution details and team expertise 3.0
    • Value for money 1.0
    This is a fun proposal and seems like an awesome human being but doesn't really address the RFP in a serious way.

  • Expert Review 2



    • Compliance with RFP requirements 2.0
    • Solution details and team expertise 4.0
    • Value for money 1.0

    Well-intentioned but not clear enough or substantial enough detail.
